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Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter - 12

Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 12

1. Which of the following enzyme is used to break the bacterial cell wall to release DNA and other bio macro molecules?

( A ) Lysozyme

( B ) Cellulase

( C ) Chitinase

( D ) Collagenase

Answer-( A )


2. Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency can be removed by which of the following?

( A ) Gene therapy

( B ) Antibiotics

( C ) Human growth hormone

( D ) Interferon

Answer-( A )


3. Flavr savr is the transgenic variety of :

( A ) wheat

( B ) tomato

( C ) rice

( D ) cotton

Answer-( B )


4. A strain of golden rice” contains high contents of :

( A ) Vitamin A

( B ) Vitamin K

( C ) Vitamin E

( D ) Vitamin C

Answer-( A )


5. Single Cell Protein (SCP) is obtained from :

( A ) unicellular organisms

( B ) multicellular organisms

( C ) bacteria only

( D ) both A and B

Answer-( D )


6. Semen is frozen in :

( A ) Liquid nitrogen

( B ) Refrigeration

( C ) Ice

( D ) All of these

Answer-( A )


7. Fusogen of Protoplast culture is :

( A ) Liquid nitrogen

( B ) PEG

( C ) Lactic acid

( D ) All of these

Answer-( B )


8. Which vitamin is present in Golden rice ?

( A ) Vitamin A

( B ) Vitamin B

( C ) Vitamin C

( D ) Vitamin D

Answer-( A )


9. The first transgenic crop was :

(  A ) Cotton

( B ) Pea

( C ) Tobacco

( D  ) Flax

Answer-( C )


10. Which is not transgenic plant ?

( A ) Soyabean

( B ) Maize

( C ) Golden rice

( D ) Cucumber

Answer-( D )


11. Example of transgenic animals is :

( A ) Cow

( B ) Mouse

( C ) Pig

( D ) All

Answer-( D )


12. RNAi is used to control pests on which plant ?

( A ) Tobacco

( B ) Mango

( C ) Potato

( D ) Poppy

Answer-( A )


13. Cry IAb controls

( A ) Corn Borer

( B )Wheat Rust

( C ) Cotton insects

( D ) Maize height insects

Answer-( A )


14. Transgenic mice may be used for testing of

( A ) The safety of vaccines

( B )Efficiency of fertilizers

( C )Doses of antibiotics

( D )All of these

Answer-( C )


15.. Electrophoresis is used for

( A ) Isolation of DNA

( B ) Separation of RNA

( C ) Separation of Protein

( D ) Separation of above all

Answer-( D )


16. The enzyme to ligate specific site on DNA is

( A ) Lysozyme enzyme

( B ) Restriction enzyme

( C ) Nuclease enzyme

( D ) None of above

Answer-( A )


17. Biolistic or gene gun is used in :

( A ) cutting plasmid

( B ) Ligation of broken DNA segment

( C ) To introduce interspecific DNA

into  host cells

( D ) To purify DNA

Answer-( C )


18. Insulin for diabetic persons is obtained from pancreas of which of the following ?

( A ) Pig

( B ) Goat

( C ) Hen

( D ) Buffalo

Answer-( A )


19. Medical Therapy is used for the treatment of a hereditary disease ?

( A ) Allopathy

( B ) Surgery

( C ) Gene therapy

( D ) Other method

Answer-( C )


20. The molecular strcture of Insulin was discovered by

( A ) Korenberg

( B ) Swaminathan

( C ) Richardson

( D ) Sanger

Answer-( D )


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