Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 3
21. Rupturing of follicles and discharge of ova is called :
( A ) Copulation
( B ) Conjugation
( C ) Ovulation
( D ) Oviposition
Answer-( C )
22. The anterior portion of sperm is covered by a cap like structure known as
( A ) Acrosome
( B ) Mesosome
( C ) Episome
( D ) Spherosome
Answer-( A )
23. Uterus is related to
( A ) Male Reproductive system
( B ) Female Reproductive system
( C ) Plant Reproductive system
( D ) All of these
Answer-( B )
24. Cessation of menstrual cycle in a woman is called :
( A ) Menarche
( B ) Menopause
( C ) Ovulation
( D ) Lactation
Answer-( B )
25.How many sperms will form from 4 primary spermatocytes ?
( A ) 4
( B ) 1
( C ) 16
( D ) 32
Answer-( C )
26. How many sperms will form from 1secondary spermatocyte ?
( A ) Two
( B ) Three
( C ) Four
( D ) Sixteen
Answer-( A )
27.How many ovum is produced from 1 primary oocyte in human female ?
( A ) Two
( B ) One
( C ) Four
( D ) None
Answer-( B )
28. Testes descent into scrotum in mammals for :
( A ) Spermatogenesis
( B ) Fertilization
( C ) Development of sex organs
( D ) Development of visceral organs
Answer-( A )
29 . Sperms produce an enzymatic substance for dissolving egg , coverings . It is called :
( A ) Hyaluronic acid
( B ) Hyaluronidase
( C ) Androgamone
( D ) Diastase
Answer-( B )
30. Antrum is cavity of :
( A ) Ovary
( B ) Graffian follicle
( C ) Blastula
( D ) Gastrula
Answer-( B )
31. Secondary sexual characters in Females develop in response to hormone :
( A ) Relaxin
( B ) Progesterone
( C ) Estrogen
( D ) Gonadotropin
Answer-( C )
32. Hormone responsible for ovulation and development of corpus luteum is :
( A ) FSH
( B ) LH
( C ) LTH
( D ) ICSH
Answer-( B )
33. Which of the following represents a condition where the motility of sperms is highly reduced ?
( A ) Azospermia
( B ) Polyspermy
( C ) Oligospermia
( D ) Asthenospermia
Answer-( D )
34. Regulation of spermatogenesis is done by :
( A ) Oestrogen
( B ) L.H.
( C ) Androgen
( D ) None of these
Answer-( C )
35. Endosperm becomes hard and cellulosic in :
( A ) Mango
( B ) Coconut
( C ) Phytelephas ( = Ivory palm )
( D ) Castor
Answer-( C )
36. Milky water of green tender cocoo called coconut milk is :
( A ) liquid chalaza
( B ) liquid nucellus
( C ) degenerated liquid free nuclear endosperm
( D ) liquid female gametophyte
Answer-( C )
37. Sertoli cells are regulated by Pituitary hormone known as :
( A ) LH
( B ) FSH
( C ) GHD
( D ) Prolactin
Answer-( B )
38. Which part of ovary in mammals acts as an endocrine gland after ovulation ?
( A ) Stroma
( B ) Germinal Epithelium
( C ) Vitelline membrane
( D ) Graffian follicle
Answer-( D )
39. Name the hormone that has no role in menstruation
( A ) LH
( B ) FSH
( C ) Estradiol
( D ) TSH
Answer-( D )
40. Foetus gets nourishment and oxygen through
( A ) allantois
( B ) placenta
( C ) yolk sac
( D ) chorion
Answer-( B )