You are currently viewing Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 10
Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter - 10

Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 10

1. Aquatic fern which is an excellent biofertilizer :

( A ) Salvinia

( B ) Azolla

( C ) Marsellia

( D ) Pteridium

Answer-( B )


2. Third generation pesticides are :

( A ) Insect repellants

( B ) Pheromones

( C ) Pathogens

( D ) Insect hormone analognes

Answer-( D )


3. Which of the following can cause molecular nitrogen as nutrient ?

( A ) Methanomonas

( B ) Mucor

( C ) Rhizobium

( D ) Spirogyra

Answer-( C )


4. Industrial production of ethanol from starch is brought about by a certain species of :

( A ) Penicillin

( B ) Azotobacter

( C ) Saccharomyces

( D ) Lactobacillus

Answer-( C )


5. Which of the following was an accidental discovery ?

( A ) Penicillin

( B ) Insulin

( C ) Chloramphenicol

( D ) DNA

Answer-( A )


6. Sour taste of vinegar is due to :

( A ) Lactic acid

( B ) acetic acid

( C ) butyric acid

( D ) fumaric acid

Answer-( B )


7. Which one is biofertilizer ?

( A ) Mycorrhiza

( B ) Nitrogen fixing bacteria

( C ) Nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria

( D ) All the above

Answer-( D )


8. Some blue green algae are used as biofertiliser because they can:

( A ) Fix nitrogen

( B ) Secrete nuclilage

( C ) Perform photosynthesis

( D ) Grow everywhere

Answer-( A )


9. An insect repellent neem product is :

( A ) Rotenone

( B ) Azadirachtin

( C ) Parathion

( D ) Endrin

Answer-( B )


10. Bt cotton is resistant to :

( A ) Insects

(  B ) Herbicides

( C ) Salt

( D ) Drought

Answer-( A )


11. The process of increasing soil fertility by earth worms is

( A ) Worm casting

( B ) Vermi composting

( C ) Compost bedding

( D ) None of these

Answer-( B )


12. In gobar gas maximum amount is that of :

( A ) Propane

( B ) Methane

( C ) Butane

( D ) CO2

Answer-( B )


13. Which of the following step is taken by Govt. of India to protect rivers from water pollution ?

( A ) Ganga action plan

( B ) Narmada action plan

( C ) Yamuna action plan

( D ) Both (A) and (C)

Answer-( D )


14. Bacteria present in the rumen of cattle is :

( A ) Azotobacter

( B ) Rhizobium

( C ) Methanobacterium

( D ) Azospirillum

Answer-( C )


15. In the sewage treatement, bacterial of are allowed to sediment in a settling tank. This sediment is called :

( A ) inactivated sludge

( B ) activated sludge

( C ) primary sludge

( D ) secondary sludge

Answer-( B )


16. During primary treatment of sewage solid particles that settle down are called

( A ) flocs

( B ) primary sludge

( C ) activated sludge

( D )anaerobic sludge

Answer-( B )


17. Which of the following organism is used in the production of beverages?

( A ) Penicillium notatum

( B ) sacharomyces cerevisac

( C ) Aspergillus niger

( D ) Clostridium butylicum

Answer-( B )


18. Which of the following microbes is a proteinaceous infectious agents ?

( A ) Fungi

( B ) Prions

( C ) Bacteria

( D ) Protozoa

Answer-( B )


19.Cyanobacteria are :

( A ) heterotrophs

( B ) chemotrophs

( C ) autotrophs

( D ) organotrophs

Answer-( C )


20. The chemicals produced by some microbes to kill or retard the growth of other microbes are called :

( A ) antiseptics

( B ) antacid

( C ) antibiotics

( D ) all

Answer-( C )


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