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Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter - 15

Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 15


Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 15

21. First National park in India is

( A ) Kanha

( B ) Periyar

( C ) Corbet

( D ) Bandipur

Answer-( C )


22 Organisation responsible for maintaining ‘Red Data Book’ is :

( A ) IUGN


( C ) WWF

( D ) IBWL

Answer-( A )


23.Logo of WWF – N is :

( A ) Red Panda

( B ) Giant Panda

( C ) Polar bear

( D ) Tiger

Answer-( A )

24. Water holding capacity is one of the qualities of

( A ) Soil

( B ) Plants

( C ) Water

( D ) Animals

Answer-( A )


25. In India Biodiversity Act was passed in Parliament

( A ) 1992

( B ) 1996

( C ) 2000

( D ) 2002

Answer-( D )


26. Chipko movement was launched for protection of

( A ) Forests

( B ) Grasslands

( C ) Wet lands

( D ) Livestock

Answer-( A )


27. Core, Buffer and Manipulation zones are found in :

( A ) National Park

( B ) Biosphere reserve

( C ) Sanctuary

( D ) Tiger reserve

Answer-( B )


28. Which in the following is an example of ex situ conservation ?

( A ) Sacred grooves

( B ) National park

( C ) Wildlife sanctuary

( D) Seed bank

Answer-( D )


29. Wildlife is conserved

( A ) In situ

( B ) Ex situ

( C ) Both A and B

( D ) Selective hunting of predators

Answer-( C )

30.Biosphere reserves are being

threatened with :

( A ) Population growth

( B ) Rains

( C ) Pollution

( D) All the above

Answer-( C )


31. World Biodiversity day is :

( A ) April 22

( B ) June 5

( C ) September 16

( D ) December 29

Answer-( D )


32. The variation of genes within a species is called

( A ) Species diversity

( B ) Alpha diversity

( c ) Genetic diversity

( D) Speciation

Answer-( A )


33. Xerophytes possess :

( A ) Sunken stomata

( B ) Deep roots

( C ) Thick cuticle

( D ) All of above

Answer-( D )

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