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Class 12 Biology Objective In English Chapter – 2 Sexual Reproduction in flowering plants
1. Amphibians among plants belong to
(A) Algae
(B) Bryophytes
(C) Fungi
(D) Pteridophytes
Ans – (B)
2. Gynoecium is made up of
(A) Stigma
(B) Style
(C) Ovary
(D) All of above
Ans – (D)
3. The monohybrid genotypic ratio 1 2: 1 in F2 generation indicates :
(A) Segregation
(B) Independent assortment
(C) Dominance
(D) Incomplete dominance
Ans – (A)
4. In a fully developed male gametophyte the number of nuclei is :
(A) one
(B) five
(C) three
(D) four
Ans – (C)
5. If an endosperm cell of an angiosperm contains 24 chromosomes, the number of chromosomes in each cell of the root will be
(A) 8
(B) 4
(C) 16
(D) 24
Ans – (C)
6. The female gametophyte of a typical dicot at the time of fertilization is
(A) 8-celled
(B) 7-celled
(C) 6-celled
(D) 5-celled
Ans – (B)
7. Feathery stigma occurs in
(A) Pea
(B) Wheat
(C) Datura
(D) Caesalpinia
Ans – (D)
8. How many meiotic divisions are required for the formation of 100 functional megaspores ?
(A) 100
(B) 50
(C) 25
(D) 26
Ans – (A)
9 How many meiotic divisions are required for the formation of 100 pollen grains ?
(A) 100
(B) 50
(C) 25
(D) 26
Ans – (C)
10. Pollen grains are
(A) megaspore
(B ) microspore
(C) microsporophyll
(D) microsporangium
Ans – (B)
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});11. The total number of nuclei involved in double fertilization in angiosperms are :
(A) two
(B) three
(C) four
(D) five
Ans – (D)
12. In which of the following species of plants seeds are produced through Apomixis ?
(A) Asteraceae and grass
(B) Mustard
(C) Citrus and Mango
(D)None of these
Ans – (A)
13. Pollination is the characteristic of
(A) Bryophytes and Angiosperms
(B) Peteridophytes and Angiosperms
(C) Angiosperms and Gymnosperms
(D) Angiosperms and Fungi
Ans – (C)
14. Progeny produced as a result of cross pollination :
(A) Shows high degree of variability and is evolutionary important
(B) is sterile
(C) has recessive characters
(D) is homozygous with phenotypic uniformity
Ans – (A)
15. Pollination occurs when a pollen grain:
(A) releases its sperms nuclei
(B) lands on stigma
(C) matures and has 3 nuclei
(D) releases its sperm nuceli and fertilize the egg and polar nuclei
Ans – (B)
16. Anemophily is pollination through :
(A) animals
(B) insects
(C) birds
(D) air
Ans – (B)
17. Entomophily is pollination through :
(A) water
(B) insects
(C) animals
(D) air
Ans – (B)
18. When the anthers and stigma in an intersexual flower mature at the same time, it is known as :
(A) allogamy
(B) dichogamy
(C) homogamy
(D) syngamy
Ans – (C)
19. Cross pollination is beneficial because it results in:
(A) formation of male offsprings
(B) weaker progeny
(C) better progeny
(D) fromation of seeds
Ans – (C)
20 The deposition of pollen grains on the stigma of another flower of the same plant is called :
(A) dichogamy
(B) geitonogamy
(C) Xenogamy
(D) hydrogamy
Ans – (B)
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});21. The true embryo develops as a result of fusion of :
(A) two polar nuclei of embryo sac
(B) egg cell and male gamete
(C) Synergid & male gamete
(D) Male gamete and antipodals
Ans – (B)
22. Which is not a water pollinated plants ?
(A) Zostera
(B) Vallisneria
(C) Hydrilla
(D) Cannabis
Ans – (D)
23. Spiny or Sticky pollen grains and large attractively coloured flowers are associated with :
(A) hydrophily
(B) entomophily
(C) Ornithophily
(D) anemophily
Ans – (B)
24. Male and female flowers are present on different plants to ensure Xenogamy in:
(A) papaya
(B) bottlc gourd
(C) maize
(D) all
Ans – (A)
25. Fusion of one of male gamete with egg nucleus is called :
(A) generative fertilization
(B) Syngamy
(C) Vegetative fertilization
(D) Both (A) and (B)
Ans – (D)
26. Endospermic seeds are found in :
(A) castor
(B) barley
(C) coconut
(D) all
Ans – (D)
27. Which in the following is not an endospermic seed ?
(A) Pea
(B) Castor
(C) Maize
(D) Wheat
Ans – (A)
28. The endosperm in angiosperms is :
(A) haploid
(B) diploid
(C) triploid
(D) tetraploid
Ans – (C)
29. The endosperm in gymnosperms is :
(A) haploid
(B) diploid
(C) triploid
(D) tetraploid
Ans – (A)
30. Sexual reproduction was first reported in plants by:
(A) Kolreuter
(B) Camerarius
(C) Van Beneden
(D) Nawaschin
Ans – (D)
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});31. In flowering plants, unisexual male of flower is called:
(A) Pistillate
(B) Monoecious
(C) Dioecious
(D) Staminate
Ans – (D)
32. The fertile part of stamen is :
(A) anther
(B) filament
(C) connective
(D) ovule
Ans – (A)
33.Flower organs have evolved from modified :
(A) leaves
(C) sporangia
(B) branches
(D) apical meristems
Ans – (A)
34. Polynology is the study of :
(A) Pollen grains
(B) Palms
(C) Flowers
(D) Fruits
Ans – (D)
35. A monothecous anther with two microsporangia is found in :
(A) Brassica
(B) Corianders
(C) Legumes
(D) Hibiscus
Ans – (A)
36. The tissue which attaches the ovules inside the ovary is :
(A) Funicle
(B) Hilum
(C) Placenta
(D) Chalaza
Ans – (C)
37. Point out the odd one :
(A) archesporium
(B) oogonium
(C) ovule
(D) antheridium
Ans – (C)
38. Mieropyle is found in
(A) ovule
(B) seeu
(C) ovule and seed both
(D) fruit
Ans – (C)
39. Female gametophyte is represented by :
(A) ovule
(B) embryo sac
(C) megaspore mother cell
(D) megasporophyll
Ans – (B)
40. The female gamete of angiosperm is represented by :
(A) egg
(B) carpel
(C) pollen grain
(D) oospore
Ans – (A)
41. The female gametophyte (embryo sac) of a typical dicot (= polygonum) at the time of fertilization is :
(A) 8-nucleated and 7-celled
(B) 7-nucleated and 8-celled
(C) 4-nucleated and 4-celled
(D) 8-nucleated and 8-celled
Ans – (A)
42. Filliform apparatus characteristic of :
(A) synergids
(B) 3g
(C)anther wall
(D lantipodal cells
Ans – (A)
43. The haploid cell which divide by mitosis to form embryo sac is :
(A) megaspore mother cell
(B) microspore mother cell
(C) functional megaspore
(D) non-functional megaspore
Ans – (C)
44. Largest cell in the ovule is :
(B) antipodal
(C) eentral cell
(D) size of cells variable
Ans – (C)
45. When anthers and stigma in an inter sexual flower, mature at different times the condition is called:
(A) dicliny
(B) dichogamy
(C) herkogamy
(D) cleistogamy
Ans – (B)
46 Maturation of gynaecium before anthers of the same flower is :
(A) Protogyny
(B) Protandry
(C) Heterogamy
(D) Autogamy
Ans – (A)
47. A typical example of cross pollination is:
(A) Wheat
(B) Tomato
(C) Potato
(D) Maize
Ans – (D)
48 For self pollination, a flower should be :
(A) asexual
(B) monosexual
(C) unisexual
(D) bisexual
Ans – (D)
49. Anther represents :
(A) sporogonium
(B) male gametophyte
(C) male sporophyll
(D) sporangium
Ans – (C)
50. The developing pollen derives its nutrition from:
(A) tapetum
(B) endothecium
(C) middle layers
Ans – (A)
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});51. Pollen grains are non-green due to
(A) absence of plastids
(B) degeneration of plastids
(C) conversion of plastids into chromoplasts
(D) attraction of vectors
Ans – (A)
52. If there are only four sporogenous cells in an anther, the number of pollen grains will be :
(A) 4
(B) 8
(C) 16
(D) 12
Ans – (C)
53. Ploidy in a pollen grain (= cyperus) is :
(A) 5n
(B) 3n
(C) n
(D) 2n
Ans – (C)
54. Pollen grains is related to embryosac as :
(A) sperm to egg
(B) male gametophyte to female gametophyte
(C) male gametophyte to egg
(D) sperm to female gametophyte
Ans – (B)
55. How many pollen mother cells will form 1000 pollen grains ?
(A) 200
(B) 250
(C) 300
(D) 100
Ans – (B)
56. The microspore mother cell in a pollensac of arnther is:
(A) diploid
(B) haploid
(C) tripolid
(D) polyptoid
Ans – (A)
57. Pollen grain with polten tube represents :
(A) male sporophyte
(B) male gametophyte
(C) female sporophyte
(D) female gametophyte
Ans – (A)
58. How many nuclel are present in mature polten ?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Ans – (B)
59.Pollen gains are yellow due to :
(A) flavonoids and carotenoids
(B) sulphur
(C) chromoplast
(D) etiolin
Ans – (A)
60. Cytoplasm of pollen grain is rich in
(A) fat and starch
(B) protein
(C) starch and Ravonoids
Ans – (A)
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});61. Cross polination is preferred over self pollination because it
(A) Produces better offspring
(B) Forms new varieties
(C) Induces parthenogenesis
(D ) ls economical
Ans – (A)
62. Anemophily occurs in………….
(A) Salvia
(B) Vallisneria
(C) Coconut
(D) Bottle brush
Ans – (C)
63. During formation of pollen grains, a microspore mother cell undergoes
(A) One meiotic division
(B) One mitotic division
(C) One meiotic and one mitotic division
(D) One meiotic and two mitotic division
Ans – (D)
64. Which of the following will help in making early germination of pollen on stigma ?
(A) P
(B) Ca++
(C) Mo
(D) CI–
Ans – (B)
65. Auxins contained in pollen grains stimulate growth of
(A) pollen tube as well as ovary
(B) only pollen tube
(C) only ovary
(D ) male gametes
Ans – (A)
66. Arrangement of nuclei in normal dicot embryo sac is :
(A) 3 + 3 + 2
(B) 2 + 3 + 3
(C) 3 + 2 + 3
(D) 2 + 4 + 2
Ans – (C)
67. Tapetum which develops into ovule is called :
(A) amoeboid tapetum
(B) glandular tapetum
(C) integumentary tapetum
(D) flagellar tapetum
Ans – (C)
68. In angiosperms, all the four microspores of a tetrad are covered by a layer formed of :
(A) cellulose
(B) sporopollenin
(C) pectose
(D) callose
Ans – (D)
69. Male gametophyte of anglosperms / monocots is :
(A) Mierosporangium
(B) Nucellus
(C) Microspore
(D) Stamen
Ans – (C)
70. In flowering plant a mature gametophyte is derived from a pollen mother cell by:
(A) 3 mitosis
(B) 1 meiosis and three mitosis
(C) 1 melosis and two mitosis
(D) singte meiosis
Ans – (C)
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});71. Chemically pollen kit is made up of :
(A) proteins
(B) lipids and carotenoids
(C) carbohydrates and carotenoids
(D) sporopollenium
Ans – (B)
72. Night blooming flowers are generally
(A) Light weight
(B) Stunted
(C) Brightly coloured
(D) Bloom in clusters
Ans – (B)
73. When a flower is brightly coloured and secretes nectar, if is most probably :
(A) pollinated by wind
(B) pollinated by insects
(C) an insectivorous plants
(D) sterile flower
Ans – (B)
74. Natural parthenogenesis occurs in :
(A) Drosophila
(B) House fly
(C) Honey bee
(D) All
Ans – (C)
75. Anther is related to :
(A) formation of pollen
(B) development of pollen
(C) opening of flower bud
(D) reception of pollen by stigma
Ans – (C)
76. Formation and differentiation of pollen grains in anther is called :
(A) megasporogenesis
(B) microsporogenesis
(C) spermiogenesis
(D) double fertilization
Ans – (B)
77. A dithecous anther contains:
(A) 4 microsporangia
(B) 3 microsporangia
(C) 2 microsporangia
(D) 1 microsporangia
Ans – (A)
78. Meiosis in anther occurs in :
(A) endothecium cells
(B) pollens
(C) tapetal cells
(D) spore mother cells
Ans – (D)
79. Pollen grains are produced in :
(A) anther
(B) stigma
(C) filament
(D) polten sac
Ans – (D)
80. The pollen is :
(A) haploid
(B) dipolid
(C) triploid
(D) tetraploid
Ans – A()
(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});81. Sexual of flowering plants reproduction was discovered by :
(A) Camerarius
(B) Nawaschin
(C) Strasburger
(D) Maheswari
Ans – (A)
82. Function of tapetum is
(A) Protective
(B) Nutritive
(C) Respiratory
(D ) All of the above
Ans – (B)
83. Number of chromosomes in root cell is 14. What will be the number in synergids ?
(A) 14
(B) 21
(C) 7
(D) 28
Ans – (C)
84. Proteinaceous endosperm of maize is called
(A) apophysis
(B) scutellum
(C) coleoptile
(D) aleurone layer
Ans – (D)
85. The ovary of a flower is :
(A) haploid
(B) dipolid
(C) triploid
(D) tetraploid
Ans – (B)
86. In angiosperms the fertilization occurs in :
(A) nucellus
(B) embryo sac
(C) ovary
(D) ovule
Ans – (B)
87. After fertilization, seed coats of seed develop from :
(A) embryo sac
(B) integuments
(C) ovule
(D) chalazal region
Ans – (B)
88. One of the following essential for fertilization is :
(A) Corolla
(B) Mature ovule
(C) Calyx
(D) Fruit
Ans – (B)
89. At the time the pollen tube contains :
(A) two male gametes
(B) two male nuclei
(C) four male gametes
(D) three male gametes
Ans – (A)
90. Double fertilization is the fusion of:
(A) one egg with two sperms
(B) sperm nucleus with egg nucleus as well as with polar nuclei
(C) one male gamete with egg and other male gamete with synergid
(D) one male gamete with egg and other male gamete with secondary nucleus.
Ans – (D)
91. Double fertilization is characteristic of :
(A) dicots and monoctos/all angiosperms
(B) all Gymnosperms
(C) phanerogams
(D) Spermatophytes
Ans – (A)
92. Triple fusion is :
(A) fusion of one male gamete with two polar nuclei in the embryo sac
(B )fusion of one male gamete with three nuclei in embryo sac
(C) fusion of one male gamete with two synergids
(D )three fusions in one embryo sac
Ans – (A)