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Class 12 Biology Objective In English Chapter - 5 Principles of Inheritance & Variation

Class 12 Biology Objective In English Chapter – 5 Principles of Inheritance & Variation

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Class 12 Biology Objective In English Chapter – 5 Principles of Inheritance & Variation

1. The phenotypic ratio for F2 generation in Incomplete dominance is 

( A ) 3 : 1 

( B ) 2 : 2 

( C ) 1 : 2 : 1 

( D ) None of these 

ANS-( C )


2. Sickle – cell anemia is related to which type of disease ?  

( A ) Sex linked disease 

( B ) Autosomal linked disease 

( C ) Deficiency disease 

( D ) Metabolic disease 

ANS-( B )


3. The ratio of phenotypes in F2 of a monohybrid cross is : 

( A ) 3 : 1 

( B ) 1 : 2 : 1 

( C ) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 

( D ) 2 : 1 

ANS-( A )


4. A pure tall pea was crossed with a pure dwarf pea . All the plants of F1 were found to be tall . This is due to : 

( A ) Dominance 

( B ) Disappearance of factor for dwarfness in F1 generation 

( C ) Segregation of factors 

( D ) Co – ordination 

ANS-( A )


5. Sickle cell anemia shows  

( A ) Epistasis 

( B ) Co – dominance 

( C ) Pleiotrophy 

( D ) Incomplete dominance 

ANS-( C )


6. The trisomy of 21st chromosome causes 

( A ) Kleinfelter’s syndrome 

( B ) Turner’s Syndrome 

( C ) Sickle cell Anemia 

( D ) Down’s syndrome 

ANS-( D )


7. ABO blood grouping in human beings cites the examples of 

( A ) Incomplete dominance 

( B ) Co – dominance 

( C ) Multiple allelism 

( D ) Both ( B ) and ( C ) 

ANS-( D )


8. Which of the following will not result in variation among siblings ? 

( A ) Independent assortment 

( B ) Crossing over 

( C ) Linkage 

( D ) Mutation 

ANS-( C )


9. Chromosomal theory of inheritance was given by : 

( A ) Morgan

( B ) Sutton & Boveri 

( C ) Hugo de Vries 

( D ) Mendel 

ANS-( B )


10. Which of the following is not an example of recessive autosomal disease ?

( A ) Haemophilia 

( B ) Cystic Fibrosis

( C ) Phenylketonuria

( D ) Sickle-cell Anemia

ANS-( A )


11. Mongolism in a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome number:

( A ) 20  

( B ) 21 

( C ) 17  

( D ) 23

ANS-( B )


12. Kleinfelter’s syndrome is characterised by

( A ) XYY   

( B ) XO 

( C ) XXX 

( D ) XXY

ANS-( D )


13. Grasshopper is an example of XO type of sex determination in which males have:

( A ) one X chromosome

( B ) no Y-chromosome

( C ) two X-chromosome

( D ) no X-chromosome

ANS-( A )


14. Father of a child is colourblind and mother is carrier for colourblindness,the possibility of the child being colourblind is:

( A ) 25 % 

( B ) 50 %

( C ) 100 % 

( D ) 75 %

ANS-( B )


15. Female’s with Turner’s syndrome have

( A ) small uterus

( B )  rudimentary ovaries

( C ) underdeveloped breasts

( D ) all of these

ANS-( D )


16 Trisohry is represented by

( A ) (2n – 1) 

( B ) (2n – 2 )

( C )  (2n + 2) 

( D ) (2n + 1)

ANS-( D )


17. A couple has six daughters. What is the possibility of their having a girl next time

( A ) 10 % 

( B ) 50 %

( C ) 90 % 

( D ) 100 %

ANS-( B )


18. What can be the blood group of offspring AB blood when group both? parents have

( A ) AB only 

( B ) A, B & AB

( C ) A, B, AB & O 

( D ) A & B only

ANS – ( B )


19. A normal vision female whose father is colour-blind marries a normal vision male What would be the probability of her sons and daughters to be colour blind?

( A ) 25 % sons colourblind and all daughters with phenotypically normal vision

( B ) 50 % sons colourblind and 50 % daughters normal.

( C ) 50 % sons colourblind and 50 % daughter colour blind.

( D ) Allsons normal and 50 % colourblind daughter

ANS-( B )


20. A family has 5 daughters. Probability of 6th child being boy will be:

( A ) 1 in 2 

( B ) 1 in 5

( C ) 1 in 3 

( D ) 1 in 6

ANS-( A )


21. A genotype AaBBCcDD can produce how many types of gametes?

( A ) 4 

( B ) 3 

( C ) 16 

( D ) 64

ANS-( A )


22. In a dihybrid test cross the genotypic ratio of the progeny is:

( A ) 9: 3: 3: 1 

( B ) 1: 1: 1: 1

( C ) 3: 1: 2: 1 

( D ) 1: 7: 1

ANS-( B )


23. If mother has ‘ O ‘ blood group and child also has ‘ O ‘ group. What will be the blood group of Father?

( A ) O 

( B ) A 

( C ) B 

( D ) AB

ANS-( A )


24. Child has blood group o ‘ and his father is’ B ‘ type. Then genotype of the father should be:

( A ) IBIB 

( B ) IB IO

( C ) IA I

( D ) lOIO

ANS-( B )


25. Antiserum used in testing blood groups has:

( A ) Antibody 

( B ) Antigen

( C ) Leucocytes 

( D ) None

ANS-( A )


26. Polygenic inheritance in plants like tobacco was first studied by:

( A ) Davenport 

( B ) Nilsson-Ehle

( C ) Kolreuter 

( D ) Galton

ANS-( C )


27. A recessive trait in Garden pea is

( A ) wrinkled seeds 

( B ) tall stem

( C ) round seeds

( D ) coloured seeds coats

ANS-( A )


28. In complementary genes, the dihybrid ratio of 9: 3: 3: 1 is modified into

( A )  9: 7 

( B )  12: 3: 1

( C ) 15: 1  

( D ) 13: 3

ANS-( A )


29. Which blood groups are common in Man & Apes but absent in Monkey?

( A ) A and O 

( B ) A and B

( C ) AB and O 

( D ) B and AB

ANS-( B )


30. Number of barr bodies present in Turner’s syndrome is:

( A ) 0 

( B ) 1 

( C ) 2 

( D ) 8

ANS-( A )


31. In an individual haploid number is 10. Its tetrasomic number will be:

( A ) 40 

( B ) 14  

( C ) 22 

( D ) 44

ANS-( C )


32. A male grass hopper will have a sex complement of:

( A ) XY  

( B ) XX 

( C ) XO 

( D ) YO

ANS-( C )


33. Individuals with blood group A has:

( A ) Antigen A, antibody B

( B ) Antigen B, antibody A

( C ) Antigen A, antibody b

( D ) Antigen A, no antibody

ANS-( C )


34. Phenomenon of one gene controlling several phenotypes is:

( A ) Epistasis 

( B ) Pleiotropism

( C ) Co-dominance

( D ) Multiple allelism

ANS-( B )


35. The monohybrid genotypic ratio 1: 2 : 1 in F2 generation indicates:

( A ) Segregation

( B ) Independent assortment

( C ) Dominance

( D ) Incomplete dominance

ANS-( A )


36. Genes present on same locus having different expressions are called  

( A ) Multiple allele 

( B ) Polygene 

( C ) Oncogene 

( D ) Codominant gene 

ANS-( A )


37. The human chromosome with highest and least number of genes are 

( A ) Chromosome 21 and Y 

( B ) Chromosome 1 and X 

( C ) Chromosome 1 and Y 

( D ) Chromosome X and Y 

ANS-( C )


38. Sickle cell anaemia shows-  

( A ) Epistrasis 

( B ) Co – dominance 

( C ) Pleiotropy 

( D ) Incomplete dominance 

ANS-( C )


39. The trisomy of 21st chromosome causes … 

( A ) Klinefelter’s syndrome 

( B ) Turner’s syndrome 

( C ) Sickle cell anaemia 

( D ) Down’s syndrome 

ANS-( D )


40. A normal vision female whose father is colour – blind marries normal vision male What would be the probability of her sons and daughters to be colour blind ?  

( A ) 25 % sons colour blind and all daughters with phenotypically normal vision 

( B ) 50 % sons colour blind and 50 % daughter mormal 

( C ) 50 % sons colour blind and 50 % daughter colour blind . 

( D ) All sons normal and 50 % colour blind daughter 

ANS-( B )


41. A child with blood group o ‘ has B blood group type father then the father has geno type of — 

( A ) lOIO

( B ) IOIB

( C ) IBIB

( D )  IA IA

ANS-( B )


42. Lactose ( Lac ) operon is regulated by :

( A ) Lac repressor only 

( B ) Lac repressor and CAP – CAMP complex  

( C ) Lac repressor and c – GMP complex 

( D ) CAP CAMP and CAP GMP complex 

ANS-( B )


43. The distance between the genes is measured by : 

( A ) angstrom 

( B ) map unit 

( C ) Dobson unit 

( D ) millimeter

ANS-( B )


44. The percentage of ab gamete produced by AaBb parent will be 

( A ) 25 % 

( B ) 50 % 

( C ) 75 % 

( D ) 12.5 % 

ANS-( A )


45. Which of the following is a test cross ?

( A ) TT x TT 

( B ) Tt x Tt 

( C ) tt x tt 

( D ) Tt x tt 

ANS-( D )


Class 12 Biology Objective In English Chapter – 5 Principles of Inheritance & Variation

46. Number of Autosomes present in Liver cells of a human female is : 

( A ) 22 Autosomes 

( B ) 22 pairs 

( C ) 23 Autosome 

( D ) 23 pairs 

ANS-( B )


47. A person suffering from colour blindness can not recognise : 

( A ) red & yellow colours 

( B ) red & green colours 

( C ) blue & green colours 

( D ) None of these 

ANS-( B )


48. In human blood group AB : 

( A ) antibodies are present 

( B ) antibodies are absent 

( C ) antibody a is present 

( D ) antibody b is present 

ANS-( B )


49. Mendel proposed 

( A ) Law of linkage 

( B ) 10 % energy law 

( C ) Laws of inheritance 

( D ) none of these 

ANS-( C )


50. Who is regarded as ‘ Father of Genetics

( A ) Mendel 

( B ) Morgan 

( C ) Lamarek 

( D ) De Vries 

ANS-( A )


51. The number of different type of gametes produced from a plant with genotype AaBbcc is : 

( A ) 2 

( B ) 8 

( C ) 4

( D ) 16 

ANS-( A )


52. How many types of gametes are expected from the organism with genotype AABBCC ? 

( A ) One  

( B ) Two 

( C ) Four

( D ) Eight 

ANS-( A )


53. A haploid set of all the genes present in a gamete is called 

( A ) Genotype 

( B ) Phenotype 

( C ) Genome 

( D ) Linkage group 

ANS-( C )


54.Number of characters studied by Mendel in Pea was ? 

( A ) 5 

( B ) 7 

( C ) 6 

( D ) 4 

ANS-( B )


55. The The genotypic ratio of a monohybrid cross will be 

( A ) 3 : 1 

( B ) 1 : 1 

( C ) 1 : 2 : 1 

( D ) 2 : 1 

ANS-( C )


56. Mendel’s law of segregation is based upon the F ratio of : 

( A ) 1 : 2 

( B ) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 

( C ) 1 : 2 : 1 

( D ) 3 : 1 

ANS-( D )


57 Genes do not occur in pairs in : 

( A ) Zygote 

( B ) Somatic cell 

( C ) Endosperm cells 

( D ) Gametes 

ANS-( D )



58. Segregation of genes take place during

( A ) Metaphase 

( B ) Anaphase 

( C ) Prophase 

( D ) Embryo formation 

ANS-( B )


59. A cross between hybrid and a parent is known as : 

( A ) Monohybrid cross  

( B ) Back cross 

( C ) Test cross 

( D ) Reciprocal cross 

ANS-( C )


60. cross between offspring and recessive parent is 

( A ) Monohybrid cross 

( B ) Back cross 

( C ) Test cross 

( D ) Reciprocal cross 

ANS-( C )


61. Common test to find genotype of hybrid is by : 

( A ) Studying sexual behaviour of F1 progeny 

( B ) Crossing F1 individuals with recessive parents 

( C ) Crossing one F2 progeny.with male parents 

( D ) Crossing one F2 progeny with female parent 

ANS-( B )


62. Segregation of genes occurs in : 

( A ) Embryo formation 

( B ) Anaphase I

( C ) Anaphase 

( D ) Metapliase  

ANS-( B )


63. Offspring produced from a cross between two pure individuals differering in one set of characters is called : 

( A ) Monohybrid 

( B ) Mutant 

( C ) Polyploid 

( D) Variant 

ANS-( A )


64. Test Cross is performed to known the genotype . It is a cross between 

( A ) F1 hybrid with dominant parent 

( B ) F1 hybrid with recessive parent 

( C ) Two F1 hybrids 

( D ) Two F2 hybrids 

ANS-( B )


65. A cross between hybrid and either of any parent is called : 

( A ) test cross 

( B ) reciprocal cross 

( C ) Monohybrid cross 

( D ) back cross 

ANS-( D )


66. To see the effect of sex on inheritance , Mendal performed : 

( A ) test cross 

( B ) out cross 

( C ) reciprocal cross 

( D ) sib cross

ANS-( C )


67. A cross between F hybrid with the dominant parent is called : 

( A ) Test cross 

( B ) out cross 

( C ) back cross 

( D ) reverse cross 

ANS-( B )


68. A dominant trait in the following is : 

( A ) Colourblindness 

( B ) Night blindness 

( C ) RH 

( D ) Albinism 

ANS-( C )


69. Independent assortment of Mendal was : 

( A ) Monohybrid cross 

( B ) Dihybrid cross 

( C ) Incomplete dominance 

( D ) Back cross 

ANS-( B )


70. IF Mendel has considered eighth trait in pea , which law would have failed ? 

( A ) Law of segregation  

( B ) Law of Purity of gametes 

( C ) Law of independent 

( D ) Law of dominance 

ANS-( C )


Class 12 Biology Objective In English Chapter – 5 Principles of Inheritance & Variation

71. An exception to Mendelian Law of independent assortment is :

( A ) Crossing over 

( B ) Incomplete dominance 

( C ) Segregation 

( D ) Linkage 

ANS-( D )


72. Who modified Mendel’s postulates as Mendel’s laws ? 

( A ) Correns 

( B ) Tschermark 

( C ) Hugo de Vries 

( D ) Morgan 

ANS-( A )


73. In incomplete dominance in F2 generation : 

( A ) ratio of phenotype is 3 : 1 

( B ) ratio of genotype is 3 : 1 

( C ) both ( A ) and ( B ) 

( D ) phenotypic ratio corresponds to genotypic ratio 

ANS-( D )


74. A tall plant on selfing produce tall and dwarf both What are the probabilities that first offspring will be ? 

( A ) tall 

( B ) dwarf 

( C ) equal chance 

( D ) data not sufficient 

ANS-( A )


75. Offspring of which of the following crosses are all phenotypically alike ? 

( A ) Dd x Dd 

( B ) Dd x dd 

( C ) DD x Dd 

( D ) Ww x Ww 

ANS-( C )


76. A test cross of AaBbCC produces how many phenotypes ? 

( A ) 16 

( B ) 12 

( C ) 8 

( D ) 4 

ANS-( D )


77. Which one of the following individuals can produce 16 different gametes ? 

( A ) Aa Bb cc Dd 

( B ) Aa Bb cc DD Ee Ff 

( C ) Aa Bb Cc dd EE FF 

( D ) Aa Bb Cc DD Ee FF 

ANS-( B )


78. Which is pure hybrid in the following ? 

( A ) Rrtt 

( B ) TTrr 

( C ) TtRr 

( D ) TTRR 

ANS-( C )


79. Which one of the following crosses shows 3 : 1 ratio ? 

( A ) AaBb x AaBb 

( B ) aabb × AABb 

( C ) Aabb × Aabb 

( D ) AaBb x aabb 

ANS-( C )


80. ABO blood group in humans is an example of 

( A ) Polygenic inheritance 

( B ) Multifactor inheritance 

( C ) Pleiotrople gene 

( D ) Multiple alleles 

ANS-( D )


81. Genotype of A – group father and of O – group child would be : 

( A ) IA I

( B ) IA i

( C ) IA I B

( D ) ii

ANS-( B )


82. An O – group child can not have parents of blood groups : 

( A ) B and B 

( B ) A and B 

( C ) O and O 

( D ) AB and O

ANS-( D )


83. A recessive trait in Garden Pea is : 

( A ) Tall stem 

( B ) Coloured flower 

( C ) Wrinkled seed 

( D ) Inflated pod 

ANS-( C )


84. Dihybrid test cross is : 

( A ) 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 

( B ) 1 : 1 

( C ) 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 

( D ) 15 : 1 

ANS-( A )


85. A couple has two girls . The probability of a third girl baby is : 

( A ) 100 % 

( B ) 50 % 

( C ) 25 % 

( D ) 12.5 % 

ANS-( B )


86. Genes present on the same locus but having different expressions are : 

( A ) Multiple alleles 

( B ) Polygenes 

( C ) Oncogenes 

( D ) Co – dominants 

ANS-( A )


87. How many kinds of gemetes will be produced by AA Bb cc genotype ? 

( A ) Two 

( B ) Four 

( C ) Six 

( D ) Nine 

ANS-( A )


88. Phenotypic ratio of monohybrid F1 progeny of an incomplete dominance is 

( A ) 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 

( B ) 1 : 2 : 1 

( C ) 3 : 1 

( D ) 2 : 1 : 2 

ANS-( B )


89. Sickle cell anaemia shows : 

( A ) Epistasis 

( B ) Co – dominance 

( C ) Pleiotropy 

( D ) Incomplete dominance 

ANS-( C )


90. G.J. Mendel was : 

( A ) British monk 

( B ) Australian monik 

( C ) Austrian monk 

( D ) German scientist 

ANS-( C )


91. Ultimate source of variation is : 

( A ) Mitosis 

( B ) Hybridisation 

( C ) Fertilization 

( D ) Mutations 

ANS-( D )


92. A monohybrid cross produced tall and dwarf Pea plants in ratio of 3 : 1. Their genotypes would be : 

( A ) TT × Tt 

( B ) Tt x Tt 

( C ) TT x tt 

( D ) Tt x H 

ANS-( B )


93 Individuals with blood group A has 

( A ) Antigen A , antibody B 

( B ) Antigen B , antibody A 

( C ) Antigen A , antibody b 

( D ) Antigen A , no antibody 

ANS-( C )


94. Mendel’s law of segregation applicable to : 

( A ) Monohybrid cross 

( B ) Hybrid cross 

( C ) Hybrid but Monohybrid cross 

( D ) Homologous pairs between chromosome

ANS-( D )

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