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Class 12 Biology Objective In English Chapter - 8 Human Health and  Disease

Class 12 Biology Objective In English Chapter – 8 Human Health and  Disease

Here we are providing Class 12 Biology Objective In English Chapter – 8 Human Health and  Disease include all questions presented in the Biology Class 12 books. Candidates can enlist the help of the Biology Class 12 Objective in English on the next page and gain a deeper understanding of the concepts. Class 12 Biology Objective in English Chapter – 8 Human Health and  Disease is designed by our team of subject matter experts to help students prepare for exams. English students can view the PDF of the Class 12 Biology Objective on the page below. From the Biology Book English Questions and Answers on this page, students will learn how to correctly solve problems.

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Class 12 Biology Objective In English Chapter – 8 Human Health and  Disease

1. In certain cases for early and accurate detection of disease we may use

( A ) ELISA 

( B ) Culture

( C ) Chemical 

( D ) Analytical

Answer-( A )


2. Tuberculosis is transmitted by-

( A ) Air

( B ) Water

( C ) Insect

( D ) Contact

Answer-( A )


3. Opium is obtained from 

( A ) Papaver somniferum

( B ) Erythroxylum coca

( C ) Cannabis sativa

( D ) Atropa belladonna

Answer-( A )


4. B-lymphocytes are produced in

( A ) Bone marrow

( B ) Thymus

( C ) Blood

( D ) Lymph

Answer-( A )


5. In retroviruses, genetic material is :

( A ) RNA 

( B ) DNA

( C ) hn RNA

( D ) Split gane

Answer-( A )


6. The common cold is caused by

( A ) Rhino virus

( B ) Streptococcus pneumoniae

( C ) Salmonella typhi

( D ) Pasmodium vivax

Answer-( A )


7. A Toxic substance responsible for chill and high fever in Malaria is

( A ) Interferon 

( B ) haemozoin

( C ) hirudin 

( D ) colostrum

Answer-( B )


8. Virus infected cells secrete which proteins

( A ) histamines 

( B ) colostrum

( C ) interferons 

( D ) interleukines

Answer-( C )


9. Which is called first line of defence ?

( A ) Skin & Mucous membrane

( B ) Inflammation

( C ) Complement system

( D ) None

Answer-( A )


10. The genetic material of HIV is

( A ) ds DNA 

( B ) ds RNA

( C ) ss DNA 

( D ) ss RNA

Answer-( D )


11. An antibody consists of

( A ) H¹L¹

( B ) H²L² 

( C ) H²L⁴

( D ) H⁴L⁴

Answer-( B )


12. Humoral immunity is associated with

( A ) T-cells 

( B ) B-cells

( C ) Macrophages

( D ) None

Answer-( B )


13. The most abundant Antibody

produced against allergens is :

( A ) IgE 

( B ) IgA 

( C.) IgG 

( D ) IgM

Answer-( A )


14. Which of the following disease can

not be cured by taking antibiotics?

( A ) Plague

( B ) Amoebiasis

( C ) Leprosy 

( D ) Diptheria

Answer-( B )


15. Passive immunity can be conferred

directly by :

( A )vaccines 

( B ) antitoxins

( C )colostrum 

( D ) T-cells

Answer-( A )


16. The antibody which can cross

placental barrier is :

( A ) IgA 

( B ) IgE 

( C ) IgM 

( D ) IgG

Answer-( D )


17. The primary Lymphoid organs are :

( A ) Spleen and thymus

( B ) Bone marrow & thymus

( C ) Bone marrow & lymph nodes

( D) Thymus & MALT

Answer-( B )


18. HIV is a retrovirus that attacks :

( A ) helper T-cells

( B ) killer T-cell

( C ) B-cell 

( D ) Neutrophils

Answer-( A )


19. The cell called “HIV factory” is

( A ) helper T-cell

( B ) Macrophage

( C ) WBCs 

( D ) Dendritic cells

Answer-( B )


20. Most common cancer in humans is

( A ) Melanoma 

( B ) Lymphoma

( C ) Sarcoma 

( D ) Carcinoma

Answer-( D )


21. Antibodies are formed by :

( A ) Fibroblasts

( B ) Plasma cells

( C ) Histiocytes

( D) Mast cells

Answer-( B )


22. T-lymphocytes originate from

( A ) bone-marrow

( B ) stomach

( C ) thymus

( D ) liver

Answer-( A )


23. Oncology is the study of :

( A ) Cancer

( B ) Oncogenes

( C ) Both A & B

( D ) Virus

Answer-( A )


24. LSD is got from

( A ) Fungus

( B ) Lichen

( C ) Algae

( D ) Bacterium

Answer-( A )


25. Which one is a stimulant

( A ) LSD

( B )  Cocaine

( C ) Cannabis 

( D ) Opium

Answer-( B )


26. Which of the following is an example of autoimmune disease? 

( A ) Asthma

( B ) Rheumatoid arthritis

( C ) Cancer

( D ) None of these

Answer-( B )



27. The immediate metabolic changes in the body noticed after consuming tobacco is

( A ) Release of catecholamines due to stimulation of Adrenal gland.

( B ) Sudden increase in BP & Heart beat

( C ) ‘A’ & ‘B’ both

( D ) None of these

Answer-( C )


28. Which of the following is a retro virus ?

( A ) Human Immuno Deficiency virus

( B ) Hepatitis virus

( C ) Micro virus influenzii

( D ) All of these

Answer-( A )


Class 12 Biology Objective In English Chapter – 8 Human Health and  Disease

29. Which of the following disease is generated by allergens? 

( A ) Skin cancer

( B ) Hay fever

( C ) Enteric fever

( D ) Goitre

Answer-( B )


30. Mast cell secretes :

( A ) Prostagland in

( B ) Glycoprotein

( C ) Histamine 

( D ) Hirudin

Answer-( C )


31. AIDS is widely diagnosed by:

( A ) Widal Test


( C ) PCR

( D ) Chromatography

Answer-( B )


32. Which is formed by Acetylation of Morphine ?

( A ) Heroin 

( B ) Cocaine

( C ) Nicotine 

( D ) Alkaloids

Answer-( A )


33.Cocaine is obtained from:

( A ) Erythroxylon coca

( B ) Paparver sominiferum

( C ) Atropa belladona

( D ) Datura stramonium

Answer-( A )


34. Hepatitis B is transmitted through

( A ) Sneezing 

( B ) Coughing

( C ) Blood transfusion

( D )female mosquito

Answer-( C )


35. Level of which hormones get elevated by the in take of nicotine ?

( A ) FSH, LH

( B ) Oxytocin, prolactin

( C ) Adrenaline, Nor-adrenaline

( D ) FSH & Estrogen

Answer-( C )


36. Which one of the following is an opiate narcotic ?

( A ) Barbiturates 

( B ) Morphine

( C ) Amphetamines 

( D ) LSD

Answer-( B )


37. Which causes whooping cough?

( A ) Legionella sps.

( B ) Bordetella pertusis

( C ) Haemophilus

( D ) Mycobacterium

Answer-( B )


38. Which of the following disease is generated by allergens? 

( A ) Skin  

( B  ) Hay fever

( C ) Enteric fever

( D ) Goitre

Answer-( B )


39. HIV destroys which cell in AIDS disease ?

( A ) B-cell 

( B ) C-cell

( C ) T⁴-lymphocyte

( D ) Both (A) and (B)

Answer-( C )


40. Cancer is caused by

( A ) Bacteria 

( B ) Oncogenes

( C ) Both (A) and (B)

( D ) None of these

Answer-( B )


41. Which one is viral disease ?

( A ) Flu

( B ) Polio

( C ) AIDS 

( D ) All of these

Answer-( D )


42. Which in the following is viral disease?

( A ) Hepatitis 

( B ) Polio

( C ) Aids 

( D ) All

Answer-( D )


43. Widal Test is for the diagnosis of which disease in the following ?

( A ) Typhoid

( B ) T.B.

( C ) Cancer

( D ) Leprosy

Answer-( A )


44. Vaccine for Rabies was first produced by :

( A ) Edward Jenner 

( B ) Robert Kotch

( C ) Louis Pasteur

( D ) S.L.Miller

Answer-( C )


45. Kotch postulate are not applicable to :

( A ) Diptheria 

( B ) Leprosy

( C ) T.B. 

( D ) Cholera

Answer-( B )


46. Hey fever is caused by :

( A ) virus 

( B ) loss of vitamin

( C ) alergy

( D ) none

Answer-( C )


47 Cell mediated immunity is due to :

( A ) B-lymphocytes

( B ) T-lymphocytes

( C ) Both 

( D ) Plasma cell

Answer-( B )


48. Chemically an antibody is :

( A ) Protein 

( B ) Lipoprotein

( C ) Lipid 

( D ) Nucleoprotein

Answer-( A )



49 Antibody found in colostrum is :

( A ) IgA

( B ) IgG

( C ) IgD

( D ) IgE

Answer-( A )


50. Morphine and opium are got from :

( A ) Cajanus Cajan

( B ) Cannabis sativa

( C ) Papaver somniferum

( D ) Rauwolfia serpentina

Answer-( C )


51. AIDS spreads through:

( A ) Blood transfusion

( B ) Placental transmission

( C ) Sexual intercourse

( D ) All the above

Answer-( D )


52. Resistance against disease is due to :

( A ) Immunoglobulin 

( B ) HLA proteins

( C ) Antigens 

( D ) Histamine

Answer-( A )


53.HIV attacks :

( A ) B-lymphocytes 

( B ) Antibodies

( C ) T-lymphocytes

( D ) Erythrocytes

Answer-( C )


Class 12 Biology Objective In English Chapter – 8 Human Health and  Disease

54. Aquatic fern which is an excellent biofertiliser :

( A ) Azolla 

( B ) Salvinia

( C ) Marsilea 

( D ) Pteridium

Answer-( A )


55. Most famous bacterial fertilizer is :

( A ) Nitrosomonas

( B ) Nitrobacter

( C ) Nitrosococcus

( D ) Rhizobium

Answer-( D )


56. Group of bacteria used in biogas production is :

( A ) Eubacteri

( B ) Organotrophs

( C ) Methanotrophs

( D ) Methanogens

Answer-( D )


57. Stimulant found in Cola, Tea and Cocoa is :

( A ) Cocaine 

( B ) Tannin

( C ) Amphetamine

( D ) Caffeine

Answer-( D )


58. Opiates and heroin are obtained from :

( A ) Thea

( B ) Papaver

( C ) Cannabis 

( D ) Theobroma

Answer-( B )


59. Heroin is got from plant of Family:

( A ) Leguminosae

( B ) Papaveraceae

( C )  Liliacae  

( D ) Solanaceae

Answer-( B )


60. Stem cells arise from :

( A ) Yolk sac 

( B ) Liver of foetus

( C ) Bone marrow

( D ) All

Answer-( D )


61. Which antibody initatiates allergic reaction ?

( A )  IgM

( B ) IgE 

( C ) IgD  

( D ) IgA

Answer-( B )


62. The drug that functions as depresent of CNS is :

( A ) Amphetamine

( B )Caffeine

( C ) Opium 

( D ) Hallucinogen

Answer-( C )


63.LSD is :

( A ) Narcotic 

( B ) Stimulant

( C ) Antidepresent

( D ) Hallucinogen

Answer-( D )


64.Stimulant cocaine is obtained from :

( A ) Rauwolfia 

( B ) Erythroxylon

( C ) Papaver 

( D ) Eucalptus

Answer-( B )


64.AZT is used in treatment of 

( A ) Malaria 

( B ) AIDS

( C ) T.B.

( D ) Kala-azar

Answer-( B )

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