Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 1 Nutrition in Plants

Here we are providing Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 1 Nutrition in Plantsbecause its very important for Class 6 students as we all know that every board exam question has MCQs so that students should practice these questions so that students can get good marks in board. Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 1 Nutrition in Plants is an extremely important and its also a year in which students learn the fundamentals of concepts that help them lay a solid foundation for their higher education. Here we are providing in Class Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 1 Nutrition in Plants 100+ questions  so that students practice more and more. If you want class wise Notes Then Click Here

Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 1 Nutrition in Plants


1.Fungi is a

( A ) parasite

( B ) autotroph

( C ) saprotroph

( D ) insectivore

Ans – ( C )


2.The plant which traps and feeds on insects is:

( A ) Cuscuta

( B ) China rosa

( C ) Pitcher plant

( D ) Rose

Ans – ( A )


3.Human beings can be categorised as

( A ) parasite

( B ) heterotrophs

( C ) saprotrophs

( D ) autotrophs

Ans – ( B )


4.Plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere mainly through their:

( A ) Roots

( B ) Stem

( C ) Flowers

( D ) Leaves

Ans – ( A )


5.Human beings get food from

( A ) plants

( B ) animals

( C ) neither ( A ) or (b)

( D ) both ( A ) and (b)

Ans – ( D )


6.The internal factor affecting the process of photosynthesis is:

( A ) Temperature

( B ) Chlorophyll

( C ) Light

( D ) Water

Ans – ( A )


7.Parasites obtain their food from

( A ) insects

( B ) plants

( C ) animals

( D ) all of these

Ans – ( D )


8.Which part of plant is called food factory?

( A ) Fruits

( B ) Seeds

( C ) Leaves

( D ) Flowers

Ans – ( C )


9.Organisms need nutrition to:

( A ) Obtain energy

( B ) Fight against diseases

( C ) Grow

( D ) All of these

Ans – ( A )


10.The green pigment that is present in the leaves are called

( A ) haemoglobin

( B ) globulin

( C ) albumin

( D ) chlorophyll

Ans – ( D )


11.The chemical used in starch test is:

( A ) Safranin

( B ) Blue ink

( C ) Iodine

( D ) Litmus

Ans – ( A )


12.Which of the following is an insectivorous plant?

( A ) Pitcher plant

( B ) Cuscuta

( C ) Algae

( D ) Lichens

Ans – ( A )


13.Pitcher plant falls in the category of:

( A ) Herbivore

( B ) Insectivore

( C ) Carnivore

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


14.Which of the following is a nutrient?

( A ) Fats

( B ) Vitamins

( C ) Proteins

( D ) All of these

Ans – ( D )



( A ) live on dead organisms

( B ) eat animals

( C ) prepare their own food

( D ) live on other living beings

Ans – ( A )


16.The organisms which prepare their own food are known as

( A ) saprotrophs

( B ) autotrophs

( C ) heterotrophs

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( B )


17.Water reaches the leaves from the root by:

( A ) Stomata

( B ) Phloem

( C ) Xylem

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


18.________ is essential for all living organisms.

( A ) Protein

( B ) Fat

( C ) Food

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( C )


19.It is not advisable to sit under the trees at night because:

( A ) Carbon dioxide ratio is higher under the trees at night

( B ) Trees sleep at night

( C ) Plants make food during the night

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


20.Photosynthesis will not occur in leaves in the absence of

( A ) guard cells

( B ) chlorophyll

( C ) vacuole

( D ) space between cells

Ans – ( B )


21.The gas used from the atmosphere during photosynthesis is:

( A ) Hydrogen

( B ) Nitrogen

( C ) Carbon dioxide

( D ) Oxygen

Ans – ( A )


22.The raw materials used for photosynthesis are:

( A ) CO2, O2 H2

( B ) CO2, water

( C ) N2, water

( D ) O2 water

Ans – ( B )


23.The gas used from the atmosphere during photosynthesis is:

( A ) Hydrogen

( B ) Nitrogen

( C ) Carbon dioxide

( D ) Oxygen

Ans – ( A )


24.The process by which green plants prepare their own food in the presence of sunlight is called

( A ) saprophytic nutrition

( B ) photosynthesis

( C ) cellular nutrition

( D ) nutrition

Ans – ( B )


25.The ultimate source of energy for all living organisms is:

( A ) Plants

( B ) Sun

( C ) Oxygen

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


26.Ultimate source of energy is

( A ) chemical energy

( B ) wind energy

( C ) solar energy

( D ) water energy

Ans – ( A )


27.Product of photosynthesis are:

( A ) Carbon dioxide and oxygen

( B ) Carbohydrate and carbon dioxide

( C ) Carbohydrate and oxygen

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


28.Which one of the following is an autotroph?

( A ) Lichens

( B ) Algae

( C ) Fungus

( D ) Cuscuta

Ans – ( B )


29.A parasitic plant with yellow, slender and tubular stem is:

( A ) Pitcher plant

( B ) Cuscuta

( C ) Sunflower

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


30.Which of the following statements is/are correct?

(i) All green plants can prepare their own food.

(ii) Most animals are autotrophs.

(iii) Carbon dioxide is not required for photosynthesis.

(iv) Oxygen is liberated during photosynthesis.

Choose the correct answer from the options below

( A ) (i) and (iv)

( B ) (ii) only

( C ) (ii) and (iii)

( D ) (i) and (ii)

Ans – ( A )


31.The mode of nutrition in which organisms take in nutrients in solution form from dead and decaying matter is:

( A ) Heterotrophic nutrition

( B ) Autotrophic nutrition

( C ) Saprotrophic nutrition

( D ) None of these


Ans – ( A )


32.Pitcher plant traps insects because it

( A ) is a heterotroph

( B ) grows in soils which lacks nitrogen

( C ) does not have chlorophyll

( D ) has a digestive system like human beings

Ans – ( B )


33.Which of the following shows symbiotic relationship ?

( A ) Lichens

( B ) Rhizobium bacteria and leguminous plants

( C ) Both ( A ) and (b)

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


34.Yeast, mushroom and bread-mould are

( A ) autotrophic

( B ) insectivorous

( C ) saprophytic

( D ) parasitic

Ans – ( C )


35.The process by which green plants prepare their own food is known as:

( A ) Transpiration

( B ) Photosynthesis

( C ) Respiration

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


36.Numerous small openings observed under the lower surface of a leaf through a magnifying lens are:

( A ) stomata

( B ) lamina

( C ) midrib

( D ) veins

Ans – ( A )


37.Stomata are present on:

( A ) Stems

( B ) Leaves

( C ) Flowers

( D ) All of these

Ans – ( A )


38.When two organisms are good friends and live together and they benefit each other. Such an association of organisms is termed as

( A ) saprophyte

( B ) parasite

( C ) autotroph

( D ) symbiosis

Ans – ( D )


39.Which of the following is insectivorous plant ?

( A ) Mushroom

( B ) Fungi

( C ) Pitcher

( D ) Cuscuta

Ans – ( A )


40.Plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere generally through

( A ) flowers

( B ) stem

( C ) root

( D ) leaves

Ans – ( D )


41.Rhizobium is a:

( A ) Bacteria

( B ) Fungi

( C ) Algae

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


42.Insectivorous plants are found in

( A ) marshy areas

( B ) deserts areas

( C ) aquatic areas

( D ) mesophytes

Ans – ( A )


43.Two different organisms living together and both benefitted from each other, are called as:

( A ) Saprophytic

( B ) Parasitic

( C ) Heterotrophic

( D ) Symbiotic

Ans – ( A )


44.Which one of the following is an autotrophic organism?

( A ) Mango

( B ) Dog

( C ) Human

( D ) Cuscuta

Ans – ( A )


45.Green plants are known as:

( A ) Heterotrophs

( B ) Autotrophs

( C ) Saprotrophs

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


46.Guard cell in dicots are

( A ) dumbbell-shaped

( B ) biconcave

( C ) biconvex

( D ) bean-shaped

Ans – ( D )


47.Which of the following is not required for photosynthesis:

( A ) Sunlight

( B ) Water

( C ) Oxygen

( D ) Carbon dioxide

Ans – ( A )


48. All animals are dependent on plants for

( A ) food

( B ) water

( C ) minerals

( D ) fat

Ans – ( A )


49.The gas produced during photosynthesis is:

( A ) Oxygen

( B ) Carbon dioxide

( C ) Nitrogen

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


50.The study of the role of different components of the diet of living organism is called

( A ) science of nutrition

( B ) science of diet

( C ) science of food

( D ) science of minerals

Ans – ( A )


51.The solar energy is captured by which part of the plant ?

( A ) Stem

( B ) Leaves

( C ) Root

( D ) Flower

Ans – ( A )


52.Most of the plants are

( A ) omnivores

( B ) herbivores

( C ) heterotrophs

( D ) autotrophs

Ans – ( D )


53.The pores on the lower surface of leaf are:

( A ) Stomata

( B ) Chlorophyll

( C ) Xylem

( D ) Phloem

Ans – ( A )


54.Photosynthesis occurs only in

( A ) green plants

( B ) fungi

( C ) all plants

( D ) aquatic plants

Ans – ( A )


55.Which of the following is not an end product of photosynthesis ?

( A ) Carbon dioxide

( B ) Oxygen

( C ) Water vapour

( D ) Glucose

Ans – ( A )


56.Which one of the following is an omnivorous organism?

( A ) Lion

( B ) Crow

( C ) Horse

( D ) Cow

Ans – ( B )


57.The external factor affecting the process of photosynthesis is:

( A ) Oxygen

( B ) Temperature

( C ) Chlorophyll

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


58.Food is used as source of

( A ) cohesive

( B ) water

( C ) adhesive

( D ) nourishment

Ans – ( D )


59.Which part of the plant gets carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis ?

( A ) Root hair

( B ) Leaf veins

( C ) Sepals

( D ) Stomata

Ans – ( A )


60.Opening and closing of stomata is controlled by

( A ) nucleus

( B ) accessory cells

( C ) stoma

( D ) guard cells

Ans – ( D )


61.Amarbel is an example of:

( A ) Autotroph

( B ) Parasite

( C ) Saprotroph

( D ) Host

Ans – ( B )


62.Which material is not required for photosynthesis?

( A ) Water

( B ) Carbon dioxide

( C ) Chlorophyll

( D ) Oxygen

Ans – ( D )


63.Human beings can be categorised as

( A ) heterotrophs

( B ) autotrophs

( C ) parasites

( D ) saprotrophs

Ans – ( A )


64.traps the energy from sunlight.

( A ) Stomata

( B ) Guard cells

( C ) Chlorophyll

( D ) Xanthophylls

Ans – ( C )


65.The food making process in plants is called as

( A ) glycolysis

( B ) photosynthesis

( C ) photolysis

( D ) chemosynthesis

Ans – ( B )


66.Which of the following is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms?

( A ) Plants

( B ) Animals

( C ) Water

( D ) Sun

Ans – ( D )


67.Which part of the plant is called its food factory ?

( A ) Fruits

( B ) Seeds

( C ) Leaves

( D ) Flowers

Ans – ( C )


68.The substance synthesised during photosynthesis is

( A ) protein

( B ) maltose

( C ) fructose

( D ) glucose

Ans – ( D )


69.Tiny pores present on the surface of leaves through which gaseous exchange occurs are called

( A ) stomata

( B ) guard cells

( C ) food holes

( D ) gas holes

Ans – ( A )


70.Which one of the following is a parasite?

( A ) Lichens

( B ) Algae

( C ) Cuscuta

( D ) Fungus

Ans – ( C )


71.What is the ultimate source of energy for all living organisms?

( A ) Water energy

( B ) Wind energy

( C ) Solar energy

( D ) Chemical energy

Ans – ( C)


72.Pitcher plant is an example of

( A ) autotroph

( B ) heterotroph

( C ) saprotroph

( D ) partial heterotroph

Ans – ( D )


73.Green pigment present in the leaves is called

( A ) haemoglobin

( B ) globulin

( C ) albumin

( D ) chlorophyll

Ans – ( D )


74. The plant which traps and feeds on insects is:

( A ) Cuscuta

( B ) China rosa

( C ) Pitcher plant

( D ) Rose

Ans – ( A )


75.Fungi can grow on

( A ) pickles

( B ) leather and clothes

( C ) dead and decaying matter

( D ) all of these

Ans – ( D )


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