Class 8 Science Objective Chapter – 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

Here we are providing Class 8 Science Objective Chapter – 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe because its very important for Class 8 students as we all know that every board exam question has MCQs so that students should practice these questions so that students can get good marks in board. Class 8 Science Objective Chapter – 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe is an extremely important and its also a year in which students learn the fundamentals of concepts that help them lay a solid foundation for their higher education. Here we are providing in Class Class 8 Science Objective Chapter – 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe Wastewater Story 100+ questions  so that students practice more and more. If you want class wise Notes Then Click Here

Class 8 Science Objective Chapter – 2 Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

1.Tiny organisms which cannot be seen with the naked eyes are called

( A ) microorganisms

( B ) animals

( C ) fungi

( D ) bacteria

Ans – ( A )


2.The host for malaria causing protozoan is:

( A ) anapheles mosquito

( B ) the cow

( C ) the earthworm

( D ) the tapeworm

Ans – ( A )


3.Microorganisms are also known as

( A ) yeast

( B ) microbes

( C ) viruses

( D ) Amoeba

Ans – ( B )


4.The bread or dosa dough rises because of the action of:

( A ) heat

( B ) grinding

( C ) growth of yeast cells

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( C )


5.Fungus can be seen with a

( A ) microscope

( B ) telescope

( C ) magnifying glass

( D ) both ( A ) and (c)

Ans – ( D )


6.Malaria is spread by:

( A ) plasmodium

( B ) female anapheles mosquito

( C ) male anapheles mosquito

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( B )


7.Microorganisms that causes disease are also known as

( A ) pathogens

( B ) fungi

( C ) antigen

( D ) microbes

Ans – ( A )


8.Protozoan shaped like a slipper is:

( A ) amoeba

( B ) paramecium

( C ) euglena

( D ) entamoeba

Ans – ( B )


9.Pathogens are also called

( A ) germs

( B ) antigen

( C ) antibody

( D ) carrier

Ans – ( A )


10.The bacterium that turns milk into curd is:

( A ) lactobacillus

( B ) acetobacter

( C ) rhizobium

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( A )


11.Bacteria are ______ organisms.

( A ) multicellular

( B ) unicellular

( C ) bicellular

( D ) tricellular

Ans – ( B )


12.The bacteria was first observed by:

( A ) Louis Pasteur

( B ) Antony Von Leuwen Hook

( C ) Robert Hooke

( D ) Robert Koch

Ans – ( B )


13.Bacilli are the bacteria that are

( A ) rod-shaped

( B ) comma-shaped

( C ) curved-shaped

( D ) spiral

Ans – ( A )


14.Virus reproduce:

( A ) only outside the cells of the host organisms

( B ) only inside the cells of the host organisms

( C ) both inside and outside the cells of the host organisms

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( B )


15.Spherical-shaped bacteria are called

( A ) bacilli

( B ) vibrio

( C ) spirilla

( D ) cocci

Ans – ( D )


16.Simple, plant-like microorganisms are called

( A ) algae

( B ) bacteria

( C ) both ( A ) and (b)

( D ) protozoa

Ans – ( A )


17.Medium that transmits pathogens from an infected person to a healthy one is called

( A ) fungi

( B ) germs

( C ) carrier

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( C )


18.Which of the following lives alone:

( A ) amoeba

( B ) fungi

( C ) bacteria

( D ) all of these

Ans – ( A )


19.Medicine that kills or stops the growth of harmful disease-causing microbes is known as

( A ) antibiotic

( B ) antibody

( C ) antigen

( D ) vaccine

Ans – ( A )


20.The process of conversion of sugar into alcohol is known as:

( A ) pasteurisation

( B ) fermentation

( C ) decomposition

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( B )


21.The process in which sugar in the food is transformed into alcohol and carbon dioxide by using microorganisms is known as

( A ) transformation

( B ) beverage

( C ) fermentation

( D ) respiration

Ans – ( C )


22.In Pasteurisation the milk is heated to about:

( A ) 100°C

( B ) 50°C

( C ) 70°C

( D ) 110°C

Ans – ( C )


23.The fungus that is commonly used in bakery and beverage industries is

( A ) Penicillium

( B ) Yeast

( C ) Agaricus

( D ) Rhizopus

Ans – ( B )


24.The bacterium living in the root nodules of leguminous plants is:

( A ) lactobacillus

( B ) acetobactor

( C ) rhizobium

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( C )


25.Giardia is listed under the category of

( A ) fungi

( B ) protozoa

( C ) bacteria

( D ) algae

Ans – ( B )


26.Atmospheric nitrogen ¡s used for the synthesis of:

( A ) plant proteins

( B ) animal proteins

( C ) plant carbohydrates

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( A )


27.Substance used to produce immunity against diseases in the living body is called

( A ) immune

( B ) vaccine

( C ) antibody

( D ) antigen

Ans – ( B )


28.The percentage of nitogen in the atmosphere:

( A ) increases during day time

( B ) decreases during day time

( C ) remains more or less constant

( D ) can’t say

Ans – ( C )


29.How much nitrogen is present in the atmosphere?

( A ) 78%

( B ) 88%

( C ) 68%

( D ) 58%

Ans – ( A )


30.Alcohol is produced with the help of

( A ) sodium chloride

( B ) yeast

( C ) nitrogen

( D ) carbon dioxide

Ans – ( B )


31.Malaria is caused by which type of microbe?

( A ) Bacteria

( B ) Fungi

( C ) Algae

( D ) Protozoa

Ans – ( D )


32.Which of the following drug is an antipyretic?

( A ) Insulin

( B ) Alcohol

( C ) Streptomycin

( D ) Paracetamol

Ans – ( D )


33.Common cold is caused by which type of microbe?

( A ) Bacteria

( B ) Virus

( C ) Algae

( D ) Fungi

Ans – ( B )


34.What helps in the rise of bread or dosa dough?

( A ) Heat

( B ) Grinding

( C ) Growth of yeast cells

( D ) Low pressure

Ans – ( C )


35.Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungus?

( A ) Cholera

( B ) Common cold

( C ) Ringworm

( D ) Dengue

Ans – ( C )


36.The status of algae in the aquatic food chain is

( A ) consumers

( B ) producers

( C ) host

( D ) small in size

Ans – ( B )


37.Antibiotics are effective against

( A ) bacteria

( B ) algae

( C ) viruses

( D ) all of the above

Ans – ( A )


38.The rod shaped bacteria are called

( A ) Bacillus

( B ) Coccus

( C ) Vibrio

( D ) Spirillum

Ans – ( A )


39.Penicillin was discovered by

( A ) Edward Jenner

( B ) Louis Pasteur

( C ) Alexander Fleming

( D ) Robert Koch

Ans – ( C )


40.Bacteria present in root nodules of pea

( A ) Coli

( B ) Plasmodium

( C ) Rhizobium

( D ) Penicillin

Ans – ( C )


41.Mushroom belongs to the group of

( A ) algae

( B ) viruses

( C ) fungi

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( C )


42.The disease caused by protozoa is

( A ) tuberculosis

( B ) polio

( C ) typhoid

( D ) malaria

Ans – ( D )


43.Amoeba belongs to

( A ) algae

( B ) fungi

( C ) protozoa

( D ) viruses

Ans – ( C )


44.Which cannot fix atmospheric nitrogen in the soil?

( A ) Rhizobium

( B ) Clostridium

( C ) Azotobacter

( D ) Penicillin

Ans – ( D )


45.Scientist who discovered fermentation is

( A ) Alexander Fleming

( B ) Louis Pasteur

( C ) John Mendel

( D ) Edward Jenner

Ans – ( B )


46.Which microorganism causes AIDS?

( A ) A protozoa

( B ) A bacteria

( C ) A virus

( D ) An algae

Ans – ( C )


47.Microorganisms are

( A ) unicellular

( B ) multicellular

( C ) both ( A ) and (b)

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( C )


48.Which of the following disease is spread due to bacteria?

( A ) Tuberculosis

( B ) Measles

( C ) Chicken pox

( D ) Polio

Ans – ( A )


49.The microorganisms that cause diseases in human beings, plants and animals are called

( A ) carriers

( B ) mosquitoes

( C ) pathogens

( D ) antibodies

Ans – ( C )


50.Which of the following is not used as food preservatives?

( A ) Salt

( B ) Sugar

( C ) Vinegar

( D ) Methane

Ans – ( D )


51.Who discovered the vaccine for smallpox?

( A ) Louis Pasteur

( B ) Alexander Fleming

( C ) Joseph Lister

( D ) Edward Jenner

Ans – ( D )


52.The process by which amount of nitrogen remains the same in the atmosphere is known as

( A ) fermentation

( B ) carbon cycle

( C ) nitrogen cycle

( D ) photosynthesis

Ans – ( C )


53.The algae commonly used as a fertiliser are

( A ) staphylococcus

( B ) diatoms

( C ) blue-green algae

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( C )


54. The microorganism which contains chlorophyll

( A ) Virus

( B ) Fungus

( C ) Algae

( D ) All

Ans – ( C )


55.The microorganisms smaller than bacteria are

( A ) viruses

( B ) protozoan

( C ) fungi

( D ) algae

Ans – ( A )


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