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Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter - 1

Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 1

1. Paedogenesis is found in the larvae of :

( A ) Taenia

( B ) Fasciola

( C ) Rana

( D ) Butterfly

Answer-( B )

2. Oblique binary fission is found in :

( A ) Monocystis

( B ) Plasmodium

( C ) Planaria

( D ) Ceratium

Answer-( D )

3. Which one has the capacity to reproduce without fertilization of f 1 eggs ?

( A ) Spider

( B ) Crow

( C ) Honey bee

( D ) Earthworm

Answer-( C )


4. In animals , juvenile phase is followed by :

( A ) vegetative phase

( B ) rep ductive phase

( C ) senescent phase

( D ) old age

Answer-( B )

5. Which is the correct sequence ?

( A ) Gametogenesis – syngamy embryogenesis – zygote

( B ) Syngamy – gametogenesis zygote – embryogenesis

( C ) Gametogenesis – syngamy zygote – embryogenesis

( D ) zygote – embryogenesis syngamy – gametogenesis

Answer-( C )

6. The term homothallic and monoecious are used to denote

( A ) Bisexual condition

( B ) Unisexual condition

( C ) Staminate flowers

( D ) Pistillate flowers

Answer-( A )

7. Which one of the following is insectivorous plant ?

( A ) Drosera

( B ) Nepenthes

( C ) Both A & B

( D ) Hydrila

Answer-( B )

8. One meiosis produces how many male gametes ?

( A ) 4

( B ) 1

( C ) 2

( D ) 8

Answer-( D )


9. MMC has 24 chromosomes . What will be the number of chromosomes in its endsoperm ?

( A ) 12

( B ) 24

( C ) 36

( D ) 48

Answer-( C )


10. Ephyra larva found in Aurelia is formed by :

( A ) Regeneration

( B ) Segmentation

( C ) Fragmentation

( D ) Strobilation

Answer-( D )


11. What is the maximum age of parrot ?

( A ) 90 years

( B ) 25 years

( C ) 500 years

( D ) 140 years

Answer-(  D )


12. No individual is immortal , except :

( A ) single – celled organisms

( B ) green plants

( C ) sponges

( D ) cyanobacteria

 Answer-( A )


13. The offspring exactly identical to one another as well as identical to their parents is :

( A ) twins

( B ) replicates

( C ) drones

( D ) clone

Answer-( D )


14. Find the correct combination in the following :

( A ) Zoospore in Sponge

( B ) Gemmules in Pencilium

( C ) Conidia in Algae

( D ) Buds in Hydra

Answer-( D )


15. Grafting in Monocots is rarely successful because :

( A ) Monocots have closed vascular bundles

( B ) Monocots are without cambium

( C ) Monocots are herbaceous

( D ) Monocots have parallel venation

Answer-( B )


16. Grafting in sugarcane can not be performed because :

( A ) Vascular bundles are scattered

( B ) Phloem is internal to xylem

( C ) Sugarcane plant is delicate

( D ) It is unable to bear injury

Answer-( A )

17. Gametes are usually

( A ) Haploid

( B ) Diploid

( C ) Polyploid

( D ) Nulliploid

Answer-( A )

18. Yeast reproduces by means of

( A ) Budding

( B ) Fragmentation

( C ) Pollination

( D ) All of these

Answer-( A )

19. Flowers of Vallisneria spp are

( A ) Anemophilous

( B ) Entomophilous

( C ) Hydrophilous

( D ) Zoophilous

Answer-( C )


20. Reproduction by budding occurs in

( A ) Yeast

( B ) Paramoecium

( C ) Penicillium

( D ) All of these

Answer-( A )

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