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Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter - 5

Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 5

Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 5

21. The trisomy of 21st chromosome causes 

( A ) Kleinfelter’s syndrome

( B ) Turner’s Syndrome

( C ) Sickle cell Anemia

( D ) Down’s syndrome

ANS-( D )


22. ABO blood grouping in human beings cites the examples of 

( A ) Incomplete dominance

( B ) Co – dominance

( C ) Multiple allelism

( D ) Both ( B ) and ( C )

ANS-( D )


23. Which of the following will not result in variation among siblings ? 

( A ) Independent assortment

( B ) Crossing over

( C ) Linkage

( D ) Mutation

ANS-( C )


24. Chromosomal theory of inheritance was given by : 

( A ) Morgan

( B ) Sutton & Boveri

( C ) Hugo de Vries

( D ) Mendel

ANS-( B )


25. Which of the following is not an example of recessive autosomal disease ?

( A ) Haemophilia

( B ) Cystic Fibrosis

( C ) Phenylketonuria

( D ) Sickle-cell Anemia

ANS-( A )


26. Mongolism in a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome number:

( A ) 20

( B ) 21

( C ) 17

( D ) 23

ANS-( B )


27. Kleinfelter’s syndrome is characterised by

( A ) XYY

( B ) XO

( C ) XXX

( D ) XXY

ANS-( D )


28. Grasshopper is an example of XO type of sex determination in which males have:

( A ) one X chromosome

( B ) no Y-chromosome

( C ) two X-chromosome

( D ) no X-chromosome

ANS-( A )


29. Father of a child is colourblind and mother is carrier for colourblindness,the possibility of the child being colourblind is:

( A ) 25 %

( B ) 50 %

( C ) 100 %

( D ) 75 %

ANS-( B )


30. Female’s with Turner’s syndrome have

( A ) small uterus

( B )  rudimentary ovaries

( C ) underdeveloped breasts

( D ) all of these

ANS-( D )


31. Trisohry is represented by

( A ) (2n – 1)

( B ) (2n – 2 )

( C )  (2n + 2)

( D ) (2n + 1)

ANS-( D )


32. A couple has six daughters. What is the possibility of their having a girl next time

( A ) 10 %

( B ) 50 %

( C ) 90 %

( D ) 100 %

ANS-( B )


33. What can be the blood group of offspring AB blood when group both? parents have

( A ) AB only

( B ) A, B & AB

( C ) A, B, AB & O

( D ) A & B only

ANS – ( B )


34. A normal vision female whose father is colour-blind marries a normal vision male What would be the probability of her sons and daughters to be colour blind?

( A ) 25 % sons colourblind and all daughters with phenotypically normal vision

( B ) 50 % sons colourblind and 50 % daughters normal.

( C ) 50 % sons colourblind and 50 % daughter colour blind.

( D ) Allsons normal and 50 % colourblind daughter

ANS-( B )


35. A family has 5 daughters. Probability of 6th child being boy will be:

( A ) 1 in 2

( B ) 1 in 5

( C ) 1 in 3

( D ) 1 in 6

ANS-( A )


36. A genotype AaBBCcDD can produce how many types of gametes?

( A ) 4

( B ) 3

( C ) 16

( D ) 64

ANS-( A )


37. In a dihybrid test cross the genotypic ratio of the progeny is:

( A ) 9: 3: 3: 1

( B ) 1: 1: 1: 1

( C ) 3: 1: 2: 1

( D ) 1: 7: 1

ANS-( B )


38. If mother has ‘ O ‘ blood group and child also has ‘ O ‘ group. What will be the blood group of Father?

( A ) O

( B ) A

( C ) B

( D ) AB

ANS-( A )


39. Child has blood group o ‘ and his father is’ B ‘ type. Then genotype of the father should be:

( A ) IBIB

( B ) IB IO

( C ) IA I

( D ) lOIO

ANS-( B )


40. Antiserum used in testing blood groups has:

( A ) Antibody

( B ) Antigen

( C ) Leucocytes

( D ) None

ANS-( A )


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