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Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter - 5

Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 5


Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 5

41. Polygenic inheritance in plants like tobacco was first studied by:

( A ) Davenport

( B ) Nilsson-Ehle

( C ) Kolreuter

( D ) Galton

ANS-( C )


42. A recessive trait in Garden pea is

( A ) wrinkled seeds

( B ) tall stem

( C ) round seeds

( D ) coloured seeds coats

ANS-( A )


43. In complementary genes, the dihybrid ratio of 9: 3: 3: 1 is modified into

( A )  9: 7

( B )  12: 3: 1

( C ) 15: 1

( D ) 13: 3

ANS-( A )


44. Which blood groups are common in Man & Apes but absent in Monkey?

( A ) A and O

( B ) A and B

( C ) AB and O

( D ) B and AB

ANS-( B )


45. Number of barr bodies present in Turner’s syndrome is:

( A ) 0

( B ) 1

( C ) 2

( D ) 8

ANS-( A )


46. In an individual haploid number is 10. Its tetrasomic number will be:

( A ) 40

( B ) 14

( C ) 22

( D ) 44

ANS-( C )


47. A male grass hopper will have a sex complement of:

( A ) XY

( B ) XX

( C ) XO

( D ) YO

ANS-( C )


48. Individuals with blood group A has:

( A ) Antigen A, antibody B

( B ) Antigen B, antibody A

( C ) Antigen A, antibody b

( D ) Antigen A, no antibody

ANS-( C )


49. Phenomenon of one gene controlling several phenotypes is:

( A ) Epistasis

( B ) Pleiotropism

( C ) Co-dominance

( D ) Multiple allelism

ANS-( B )


50. The monohybrid genotypic ratio 1: 2 : 1 in Fgeneration indicates:

( A ) Segregation

( B ) Independent assortment

( C ) Dominance

( D ) Incomplete dominance

ANS-( A )


51. Genes present on same locus having different expressions are called  

( A ) Multiple allele

( B ) Polygene

( C ) Oncogene

( D ) Codominant gene

ANS-( A )


52. The human chromosome with highest and least number of genes are 

( A ) Chromosome 21 and Y

( B ) Chromosome 1 and X

( C ) Chromosome 1 and Y

( D ) Chromosome X and Y

ANS-( C )


53. Sickle cell anaemia shows-

( A ) Epistrasis

( B ) Co – dominance

( C ) Pleiotropy

( D ) Incomplete dominance

ANS-( C )


54. The trisomy of 21st chromosome causes … 

( A ) Klinefelter’s syndrome

( B ) Turner’s syndrome

( C ) Sickle cell anaemia

( D ) Down’s syndrome

ANS-( D )


55. A normal vision female whose father is colour – blind marries normal vision male What would be the probability of her sons and daughters to be colour blind ?  

( A ) 25 % sons colour blind and all daughters with phenotypically normal vision

( B ) 50 % sons colour blind and 50 % daughter mormal

( C ) 50 % sons colour blind and 50 % daughter colour blind .

( D ) All sons normal and 50 % colour blind daughter

ANS-( B )


56. A child with blood group o ‘ has B blood group type father then the father has geno type of — 

( A ) lOIO

( B ) IOIB

( C ) IBIB

( D )  IA IA

ANS-( B )


57. Lactose ( Lac ) operon is regulated by :

( A ) Lac repressor only

( B ) Lac repressor and CAP – CAMP complex

( C ) Lac repressor and c – GMP complex

( D ) CAP CAMP and CAP GMP complex

ANS-( B )


58. Mendel’s law of segregation applicable to : 

( A ) Monohybrid cross

( B ) Hybrid cross

( C ) Hybrid but Monohybrid cross

( D ) Homologous pairs between cromozome

ANS-( D )


59. The phenotypic ratio for F2 generation in Incomplete dominance is 

( A ) 3 : 1

( B ) 2 : 2

( C ) 1 : 2 : 1

( D ) None of these

ANS-( C )


60. Sickle – cell anemia is related to which type of disease ?  

( A ) Sex linked disease

( B ) Autosomal linked disease

( C ) Deficiency disease

( D ) Metabolic disease

ANS-( B )


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