Class 12 Political Science MCQs Chapter – 2
1. दूसरी दुनिया के देशों में किस प्रकार के देश आते हैं ? ( a ) पूँजीवादी देश ( b ) विकासशील देश ( c ) गुटनिरपेक्ष देश ( d ) साम्यवादी देश Ans . ( d…
1. दूसरी दुनिया के देशों में किस प्रकार के देश आते हैं ? ( a ) पूँजीवादी देश ( b ) विकासशील देश ( c ) गुटनिरपेक्ष देश ( d ) साम्यवादी देश Ans . ( d…
1. सोवियत संघ ने कौन सा सैनिक गुट बनाया ? ( a ) नाटो ( b ) सौटो ( c ) सेन्टो ( d ) वारसा सन्धि Ans . ( d ) 2. किस…
1. Which is the major source of harmful radiations in the house ? (A) Tube light (B) Colour TV (C) Oven (D) Heater Answer-( A ) 2. Which one…
1. Decrease in species diversity in tropical countries is mainly due to : ( A ) urbanisation ( B ) pollution ( C ) deforestation ( D ) soil erosion…
1. Controlling factor in ecosystem is : (A) Soil moisture (B) Food (C) Predation (D) Temperature Answer-( C ) 2. Bacteria and Fungi are : (A) Scavengers (B) Primary…
1. The mycorrhiza is an example of ( A ) Symbiotic interaction ( B ) Ectoparasite ( C ) Endoparasite ( D )Decomposer Answer-( A ) 2. Lichen is…
1. Which of the following enzyme is used to break the bacterial cell wall to release DNA and other bio macro molecules? ( A ) Lysozyme ( B ) Cellulase…
1. A molecular technique in which multiple copy of the desired gene is synthesized in vitro is called as (A) ELISA (B) PCR (C) Gel Electrophoresis (D) Flow cytometry Answer-(…
1. Aquatic fern which is an excellent biofertilizer : ( A ) Salvinia ( B ) Azolla ( C ) Marsellia ( D ) Pteridium Answer-( B ) 2.…
1. Which in the following is an improved variety of chicken ? ( A )Jersey ( B ) Leghorn ( C ) Himgiri ( D ) Kalyansona Answer-( B )…