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NCERT Class 8 Social Science Objetive

NCERT Class 8 Social Science Objetive

NCERT Class 8 Social Science Objetive Students who are studying in CBSE Board, State Board must work hard with dedication to get better marks in the examination. To help them study effectively and perform well in the exam, NCERT Class 8 Social Science Objetive are given here which can be easily accessed further. The main advantage of these notes is that they can help the students to revise the entire syllabus in a quick time. Moreover, NCERT Class 8 Social Science Objetive are prepared by experts as per the latest guidelines and students can read the notes regularly to complete the assignments as well as prepare effectively for the upcoming exams. contain real life examples and important topics are separated so that students can easily and quickly go through the notes at the time of examination. The are also written in an easily understandable language and will save valuable time for the students as they will get a good idea about the flow of answers and other things. If You Want Premium Class Notes Then Click Here

NCERT Class 8 इतिहास ( History ) Objetive In Hindi

Chapter NoChapter Names
1कैसे, कब और कहाँ
2व्यापार से साम्राज्य तक कंपनी की सत्ता स्थापित होती है
3ग्रामीण क्षेत्र पर शासन चलाना
4आदिवासी, दीकु और एक स्वर्ण युग की कल्पना
5जब जनता बगावत करती है (1857 और उसके बाद)
6उपनिवेशवाद और शहर
7बुनकर, लोहा बनाने वाले और फैक्ट्री मालिक
8देशी जनता को सभ्य बनाना राष्ट्र को शिक्षित करना
9महिलाएँ, जाति एवं सुधार
10दृश्य कलाओं की बदलती दुनिया
11राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन का संघटन : 1870 के दशक से 1947 तक
12स्वतंत्रता के बाद

NCERT Class 8 भूगोल ( Geography ) Objetive In Hindi

Chapter NoChapter Names
2भूमि, मृदा, जल, प्राकृतिक वनस्पति और वन्य जीवन संसाधन
3खनिज और शक्ति संसाधन
6मानव संसाधन

NCERT Class 8 नागरिक शास्त्र ( Civics ) Objetive In Hindi

Chapter NoChapter Names
1भारतीय संविधान
2धर्मनिरपेक्षता की समझ
3हमें संसद क्यों चाहिए ?
4कानूनों की समझ
6हमारी आपराधिक न्याय प्रणाली
7हाशियाकरण की समझ
8हाशियाकरण से निपटना
9जन सुविधाएँ
10कानून और सामाजिक न्याय

NCERT Class 8 History Objetive In English

Chapter NoChapter Names
1How, When and Where
2From Trade to Territory
3Ruling the Countryside
4Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age
5When People Rebel
6Colonialism and the City
7Weavers, Iron Smelters and Factory Owners
8Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation
9Women, Caste and Reform
10The Changing World of Visual Arts
11The Making of the National Movement 1870s – 1947
12 India after Independence

NCERT Class 8 Geography: Objetive In English

Chapter NoChapter Names
2Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources
3Mineral and Power Resources
6Human Resources

NCERT Class 8 Civics Objetive In English

Chapter NoChapter Names
1The Indian Constitution
2Understanding Secularism
3Why do we need a Parliament?
4Understanding Laws
5 Judiciary
6Understanding Our Criminal Justice System
7Understanding Marginalisation
8Confronting Marginalisation
9Public Facilities
10Law and Social Justice

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