Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 2 Nutrition in Animals

Here we are providing Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 2 Nutrition in Animals because its very important for Class 6 students as we all know that every board exam question has MCQs so that students should practice these questions so that students can get good marks in board. Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 2 Nutrition in Animals is an extremely important and its also a year in which students learn the fundamentals of concepts that help them lay a solid foundation for their higher education. Here we are providing in Class Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 2 Nutrition in Animals 100+ questions  so that students practice more and more. If you want class wise Notes Then Click Here

Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 2 Nutrition in Animals


1.The false feet of Amoeba are used for

(a) movement only

(b) capturing food only

(c) capturing food and movement

(d) exchange of gases only

Ans – ( C )


2.Which of the following is not a part of digestive system ?

(a) Mouth cavity

(b) Stomach

(c) Food pipe

(d) Wind pipe

Ans – ( D )


3.The component of food which is complex is

(a) protein

(b) carbohydrate

(c) fat

(d) all of these

Ans – ( D )


4.The largest gland in our body is:

(a) Liver

(b) Salivary gland

(c) Pancreas

(d) Gallbladder


Ans – ( A )


5.The breakdown of complex components of food into simpler substances is called

(a) ingestion

(b) egestion

(c) assimilation

(d) digestion

Ans – ( D )


6.The acid secreted in the stomach is

(a) Hydrochloric acid

(b) Sulphuric acid

(c) Phosphoric acid

(d) Nitric acid

Ans – ( A )


7.The way of taking food by bees is

(a) swallowing

(b) sucking

(c) filtering

(d) none of these

Ans – ( B )


8.The components of food absorbed in large intestine is:

(a) Carbohydrate

(b) Protein

(c) Water

(d) Fats


Ans – ( C )


9.Which of the following animals swallow its prey?

(a) Human beings

(b) Snakes

(c) Humming birds

(d) Ant

Ans – ( B )


10.Bile is produced by:

(a) Small intestine

(b) Gallbladder

(c) Liver

(d) Pancreas

Ans – ( D )


11.Enzymes present in saliva converts

(a) starch into simple sugars

(b) proteins into amino acids

(c) complex sugars into simple sugars

(d) fats into fatty acids and glycerol

Ans – ( A )


12.Bile plays an important role in the digestion of:

(a) Proteins

(b) Starch

(c) Fats

(d) None of these

Ans – ( C )



13.From where do we take in food?

(a) Anus

(b) Mouth

(c) Stomach

(d) Oesophagus

Ans – ( B )


14.The intestinal juice digests the fats into:

(a) Fatty acids

(b) Glycerol

(c) Fatty acid and glycerol

(d) Amino acids

Ans – ( C )


15.The digestive tract and the associated glands together constitute the

(a) digestive system

(b) oesophagus

(c) alimentary canal

(d) nutrition system

Ans – ( A )



16.The intestinal juice digests the proteins into:

(a) Fatty acids

(b) Glycerol

(c) Amino acids

(d) None of these

Ans – ( C )


17.The teeth of first set fall off at the age between

(a) 10 – 20

(b) 6 – 8

(c) 9 – 1

(d) 0 – 2

Ans – ( B )


18.The removing of faecal matter through the anus is called:

(a) Digestion

(b) Absorption

(c) Egestion

(d) None of these

Ans – ( C )


19.The teeth of the first set that grew during infancy are called

(a) permanent teeth

(b) milk teeth

(c) starting teeth

(d) all of these

Ans – ( B )


20.Humans can digest cellulose:

(a) Yes

(b) No

(c) Can’t say

(d) None of these

Ans – ( B )


21.The teeth of the second set that replace the milk teeth are known as

(a) permanent teeth

(b) temporary teeth

(c) milk teeth

(d) hard teeth

Ans – ( A )


22.Saliva breaks down the:

(a) Starch into amino acids

(b) Proteins into amino acids

(c) Starch into sugar

(d) None of these

Ans – ( C )


23.The process of taking food in the body is known as

(a) egestion

(b) ingestion

(c) digestion

(d) assimilation

Ans – ( B )

24.Left over food in teeth release, which gradually damages teeth.

(a) bases

(b) salts

(c) acids

(d) none of these

Ans – ( C )


25.How many types of teeth are there?

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4


Ans – ( D )

26.The front part of tongue is sensitive to which of the following taste ?

(a) Sweet

(b) Sour

(c) Salty

(d) Bitter

Ans – ( A )


27.The glands of mouth which secrete saliva are

(a) salivary glands

(b) pancreas

(c) lungs

(d) liver

Ans – ( A )


29.The digestion of starch starts in:

(a) Mouth

(b) Stomach

(c) Small intestine

(d) None of these

Ans – ( A )


30.Starch is broken down into sugars by the action of

(a) saliva

(b) bile juice

(c) hydrochloric acid

(d) all of these

Ans – ( A )



31.The part of digestive system where no digestion takes place is:

(a) Mouth

(b) Stomach

(c) Oesophagus

(d) Small intestine

Ans – ( C )


32.Which gland secretes bile juice?

(a) Liver

(b) Pancreas

(c) Bladder

(d) All of these

Ans – ( A )


33.The digestion of food starts in which part of the digestive system:

(a) Small intestine

(b) Stomach

(c) Mouth

(d) Large intestine

Ans – ( C )



34.The bile plays an important role in the digestion of

(a) carbohydrates

(b) fats

(c) sugar

(d) starch

Ans – ( B )


35.Which of the following is digested in mouth ?

(a) Sugar

(b) Protein

(c) Starch

(d) All the above

Ans – ( C )


36.The removal of faeces through the anus from time to time is called

(a) rumination

(b) micturition

(c) ingestion

(d) egestion

Ans – ( D )


37.The digestion of food ends in which part of the digestive system ?

(a) Mouth

(b) Stomach

(c) Small intestine

(d) Large intestine

Ans – ( C )


38.Cellulose is a type of

(a) fats

(b) carbon dioxide

(c) carbohydrate

(d) all of these

Ans – ( C )


39.Which teeth in the mouth are used for cutting and tearing ?

(a) Molar

(b) Incisors

(c) Premolar

(d) Canine

Ans – ( D )


40.The finger-like outgrowths of human intestine helps to

(a) make the food soluble

(b) absorb the digested food

(c) absorb the undigested food

(d) digest the fatty food substances

Ans – ( B )


41.The end part of tongue is sensitive to which of the following taste ?

(a) Sweet

(b) Sour

(c) Salty

(d) Bitter

Ans – ( D )


42.The process through which undigested food is expelled out of the body is called

(a) digestion

(b) absorption

(c) assimilation

(d) egestion

Ans – ( D )


43.In amoeba, ingestion of food takes place with the help of:

(a) Tentacles

(b) Pseudopodia

(c) Stomata

(d) None of these

Ans – ( B )



44.Many animals, including humans, cannot digest

(a) amino acid

(b) bile juice

(c) cellulose

(d) proteins

Ans – ( C )


45.The undigested food is eliminated through:

(a) Anus

(b) Caecum

(c) Rectum

(d) None of these

Ans – ( A )


46.Which of the following is the term used for the partially digested food in the rumen of animals?

(a) Cud

(b) Food

(c) Juice

(d) Liquid

Ans – ( A )


47.Villi are present in the inner walls of:

(a) Stomach

(b) Small intestine

(c) Large intestine

(d) None of these

Ans – ( B )



48.Which of the following are called the cutting teeth?

(a) Incisors

(b) Canines

(c) Molars

(d) Premolars

Ans – ( A )


49.Grass eating animals quickly swallow the grass and store it in a part of stomach called:

(a) Gall bladder

(b) Rumen

(c) Lower stomach

(d) None of these

Ans – ( B )


50.The process by which organisms take in food is called

(a) digestion

(b) assimilation

(c) ingestion

(d) egestion

Ans – ( C )


51.Grass is rich in:

(a) Proteins

(b) Starch

(c) Cellulose

(d) None of these      


 Ans – ( B )




52.The digestive food is absorbed in

(a) large intestine

(b) stomach

(c) liver

(d) small intestine

Ans – ( D )


53.The gland located just below the stomach is:

(a) Liver

(b) Pancreas

(c) Gall bladder

(d) None of these

Ans – ( B )


54.The mode of nutrition in amoeba is

(a) saprotrophic

(b) autotrophic

(c) holozoic

(d) symbiotic

Ans – ( C )


55.Number of canines present in an adult are:

(a) 4

(b) 6

(c) 8

(d) 16

Ans – ( A )


56.Salivary glands are located in

(a) mouth

(b) liver

(c) stomach

(d) large intestine

Ans – ( A )


57.The teeth which helps in biting the food are the:

(a) Canines

(b) Incisors

(c) Premolar

(d) Molars

Ans – ( B )


58.What is the function of the tongue?

(a) Digest the food

(b) Converted food into semi-solid paste

(c) Mix the food with saliva and swallow it

(d) Pass out the undigested waste material

Ans – ( C )


59.Bile is produced in

(a) Gall bladder

(b) Blood

(c) Liver

(d) Spleen

Ans – ( C )



60.What is the function of premolars?

(a) Biting

(b) Grinding

(c) Tearing

(d) Cutting

Ans – ( B )


61.Cud is the name given to the food of ruminants which is:

(а) swallowed and undigested.

(b) swallowed and partially digested.

(c) properly chewed and partially digested.

(d) properly chewed and completely digested.

Ans – ( B )


62.Oesophagus is connected with

(a) stomach

(b) intestine

(c) liver

(d) rectum

Ans – ( A )


63.The false feet of Amoeba are used for:

(a) movement only

(b) capture of food only

(c) capture of food and movement

(d) exchange of gases only

Ans – ( C )



64.Rumination can

(a) digest the cellulose

(b) not digest the cellulose

(c) may or may not digest cellulose

(d) all of these

Ans – ( A )



65.The finger-like outgrowths of Amoeba helps to ingest food. However, the finger-like outgrowths of human intestine helps to:

(a) digest the fatty food substances

(b) make the food soluble

(c) absorb the digested food

(d) absorb the undigested food

Ans – ( C ) 

66.Gastric digestion takes place efficiently in

(a) acidic medium

(b) alkaline medium

(c) neutral medium

(d) highly alkaline medium

Ans – ( A )


67.Saliva is present in

(a) stomach

(b) liver

(c) teeth

(d) mouth

Ans – ( D )


68.Which is not digested by human?

(a) Protein

(b) Fats

(c) Glucose

(d) Cellulose


Ans – ( D )



69.The largest gland in the human body is

(a) liver

(b) pancreas

(c) stomach

(d) oesophagus

Ans – ( A )


70.How many premolars teeth found in mouth?

(a) 2

(b) 4

(c) 6

(d) 8

Ans – ( B )


71.The process in which the absorbed food is used for producing energy is called

(a) ingestion

(b) absorption

(c) assimilation

(d) digestion

Ans – ( C )


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