Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 4 Heat

Here we are providing Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 4 Heat because its very important for Class 6 students as we all know that every board exam question has MCQs so that students should practice these questions so that students can get good marks in board. Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 4 Heat is an extremely important and its also a year in which students learn the fundamentals of concepts that help them lay a solid foundation for their higher education. Here we are providing in Class Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 4 Heat 100+ questions  so that students practice more and more. If you want class wise Notes Then Click Here

Class 7 Science Objective Chapter – 4 Heat

1.Which of the following is a good conductor of heat?

( A ) Iron

( B ) Steel

( C ) Aluminium

( D ) All of these

Ans – ( D )


2.Heat in liquid travels from the:

( A ) bottom to top

( B ) top to bottom

( C ) right to left

( D ) left to right

Ans – ( A )


3.A device used to measure the temperature is

( A ) transistor

( B ) thermometer

( C ) mercury

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( B )


4.Heat transferred into solids by:

( A ) conduction

( B ) convection

( C ) radiation

( D ) insulators

Ans – ( A )


5.Which of the following thermometers has a kink?

( A ) Laboratory thermometer

( B ) Clinical thermometer

( C ) Both ( A ) and (b)

( D ) Digital thermometer

Ans – ( B )


6.The substances which conduct heat easily are called:

( A ) convection

( B ) radiation

( C ) conductors

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( C )


7.What is the range of the temperature reading of a clinical thermometer?

( A ) 35°C – 42°C

( B ) -10°C – 110°C

( C ) 0°C – 100°C

( D ) 32°C – 42°C

Ans – ( A )


8.In which process heat is transferred from hotter end to colder end is known as:

( A ) conduction

( B ) convection

( C ) radiation

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( A )


9.Which of the following thermometer contains mercury?

( A ) Clinical thermometer

( B ) Laboratory thermometer

( C ) Both ( A ) and (b)

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( C )


10.The substances which do not conduct heat easily are called:

( A ) insulators

( B ) convection

( C ) conductors

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( A )


11.What is the range of the temperature reading of a laboratory thermometer?

( A ) -10°C – 110°C

( B ) 35°C – 42°C

( C ) 0°C – 100°C

( D ) -10°C – 100°C

Ans – ( A )


12.In which process the liquid itself moves and carries the heat from one place to another ?

( A ) radiation

( B ) conductors

( C ) convection

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( C )


13.The transfer of heat from hotter body to colder body is called

( A ) conduction

( B ) induction

( C ) convection

( D ) radiation

Ans – ( A )


14.The correct method of reading a clinical thermometer is:

( A ) holding the thermometer by bulb

( B ) before use the mercury level should be below 39°C

( C ) don’t hold the thermometer by bulb

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( C  )


15.The process of transferring of heat without any contact between the source of heat and the heated object is called

( A ) conduction

( B ) convection

( C ) radiation

( D ) induction

Ans – ( C )


16.The normal temperature of human body is:

( A ) 47°C

( B ) 36°C

( C ) 37°C

( D ) 39°C

Ans – ( C )


17.Which currents are formed in all liquid on heating ?

( A ) radiation current

( B ) conduction current

( C ) convection current

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( C )


18.The normal temperature of human body is

( A ) 35°C

( B ) 37°C

( C ) 40°C

( D ) 42°C

Ans – ( B )


19.The hand which is over the flame feels hotter because hot air moves in:

( A ) downward direction

( B ) upward direction

( C ) circular direction

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( B )


20.The materials which allow the heat to pass through them easily are called

( A ) insulators

( B ) conductors

( C ) semiconductors

( D ) poor conductors

Ans – ( B )


21.Which thermometer is used to measure temperature of different things and places ?

( A ) Laboratory thermometer

( B ) Clinical thermometer

( C ) Minimum and maximum thermometer

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


22.Which of the following is an insulator?

( A ) Wood

( B ) Iron

( C ) Copper

( D ) Zinc

Ans – ( A )


23.The range of laboratory thermometer is:

( A ) 70°C to 110°C

( B ) -10°C to 110°C

( C ) 20°C to 110°C

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( B )


24.The air from the sea is called

( A ) sea breeze

( B ) land breeze

( C ) wind

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( A )


25.Which scale is used in clinical thermometer nowadays ?

( A ) Celsius scale

( B ) Fahrenheit scale

( C ) Both ( A ) and (b)

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


26.Which colour absorbs more heat?

( A ) Black

( B ) White

( C ) Blue

( D ) Red

Ans – ( A )


27.Which scale was used in clinical thermometer during earlier times?

( A ) Celsius scale

( B ) Fahrenheit scale

( C ) Both ( A ) and (b)

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( B )


28.What is the SI unit of temperature?

( A ) Kelvin

( B ) Celsius

( C ) Fahrenheit

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( A )


29.Which thermometer records the highest and lowest temperature during a period of time ?

( A ) Clinical thermometer

( B ) Laboratory thermometer

( C ) Minimum and maximum thermometer

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( C )


30.Which one is filled in the bulb of a thermometer?

( A ) Mercury

( B ) Lead

( C ) Copper

( D ) Silver

Ans – ( A )


31.A thermometer which do not use mercury is known as:

( A ) clinical thermometer

( B ) laboratory thermometer

( C ) digital thermometer

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( C )


32.A marble tile would feel cold as compared to a wooden tile on a winter morning, because the marble tile

( A ) is a better conductor of heat than the wooden tile.

( B ) is polished while wooden tile is not polished.

( C ) reflects more heat than wooden tile.

( D ) is a poor conductor of heat than the wooden tile.

Ans – ( A )


33.The scale used with the laboratory thermometer is Celsius scale, indicated by:

( A ) °F

( B ) °C

( C ) K

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( C )


34.A beggar wrapped himself with a few layers of newspaper on a cold winter night. This helped him to keep himself warm because

( A ) friction between the layers of newspaper produces heat.

( B ) air trapped between the layers of newspaper is a bad conductor of heat.

( C ) newspaper is a conductor of heat.

( D ) newspaper is at a higher temperature than the temperature of the surrounding.

Ans – ( B )


35.One litre of water at 30°C is mixed with one litre of water at 50°C. The temperature of mixture will be:

( A ) 80°C

( B ) More than 50°C but less than 80°C

( C ) 20°C

( D ) Between 30°C and 50°C

Ans – ( D )


36.Sonu and Ria measured their body temperature Sonu found his to be 98.6°F and Ria recorded 37°C.

Which of the following statement is true?

( A ) Sonu has a higher body temperature than Ria.

( B ) Sonu has a lower body temperature than Ria.

( C ) Both have normal body temperature.

( D ) Both are suffering from fever.

Ans – ( C )


37.An iron ball at 40°C is dropped in a mug containing water at 40°C. The heat will:

( A ) flow from iron ball to water

( B ) not flow from iron ball to water or from water to iron ball

( C ) flow from water to iron ball

( D ) increase the temperature of both

Ans – ( B )


36.Sonu and Ria measured their body temperature Sonu found his to be 98.6°F and Ria recorded 37°C.

Which of the following statement is true?

( A ) Sonu has a higher body temperature than Ria.

( B ) Sonu has a lower body temperature than Ria.

( C ) Both have normal body temperature.

( D ) Both are suffering from fever.

Ans – ( C )


39.A wooden spoon is dipped in a cup of ice-cream its other end:

( A ) becomes cold by the process of convection

( B ) becomes cold by the process of conduction

( C ) becomes cold by the process of radiation

( D ) does not become cold

Ans – ( D )


40.Land breeze blows from

( A ) lower surface to upper surface

( B ) sea to land

( C ) upper surface to lower surface

( D ) land to sea

Ans – ( D )


41.Which one of the following is a reliable measure?

( A ) Hotness

( B ) Coldness

( C ) Temperature

( D ) None of these

Ans – ( C )


42.Liquid used in thermometers is

( A ) alcohol

( B ) mercury

( C ) water

( D ) oil

Ans – ( B )


43.Name the device which is used to measure the hotness or coldness of an object.

( A ) Picometer

( B ) Barometer

( C ) Manometer

( D ) Thermometer

Ans – ( D )


44.Liquids and gases transfer the heat by

( A ) radiation

( B ) conduction

( C ) convection

( D ) all of these

Ans – ( C )


45.Which one is filled in the bulb of a thermometer?

( A ) Mercury

( B ) Lead

( C ) Copper

( D ) Silver

Ans – ( A )


46.Metals are conductors of heat.

( A ) average

( B ) poor

( C ) good

( D ) some are poor conductors

Ans – ( C )


47.Heat always flows

( A ) from a colder object to a hotter object

( B ) from a hotter object to a colder object

( C ) in both the directions

( D ) heat never flows from one object to other

Ans – ( B )


48.Woollen clothes

( A ) keep us cool

( B ) decrease the body temperature

( C ) increase the body temperature

( D ) keep us warm

Ans – ( D )


49.Heat from the sun reaches to us by

( A ) radiation

( B ) conduction

( C ) convection

( D ) all of these

Ans – ( A )


50.Degree of hotness or coldness is called

( A ) temperature

( B ) power

( C ) heat

( D ) energy

Ans – ( A )


51.A beggar wrapped himself with a few layers of newspaper on a cold winter night. This helped him to keep himself warm because:

( A ) friction between the layers of newspaper produces heat.

( B ) air trapped between the layers of newspaper is a bad conductor of heat.

( C ) newspaper is a conductor of heat.

( D ) newspaper is at a higher temperature than the temperature of the surroundiong.

Ans – ( B )


52.Sunlight reaches the earth’s surface through

( A ) convection

( B ) radiation

( C ) conduction

( D ) radio waves

Ans – ( B )


53.A marble tile would feel cold as compared to a wooden tile on a winter morning, because the marble tile:

( A ) is a better conductor of heat than the wooden tile.

( B ) is polished while wooden tile is not polished.

( C ) reflects more heat than wooden tile.

( D ) is a poor conductor of heat than the wooden tile.

Ans – ( A )


54.Heat is

( A ) a form of energy

( B ) a type of matter

( C ) sometimes energy and sometimes matter

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( A )


55.Paheli and Boojho measured their body temperature. Paheli found her’s to be 98.6°F and Boojho recorded 37°C. Which of the following statement is true?

( A ) Paheli has a higher body temperature than Boojho.

( B ) Paheli has a lower body temperature than Boojho.

( C ) Both have normal body temperature.

( D ) Both are suffering from fever.

Ans – ( C )


56.The normal temperature of human body is

( A ) 37 K

( B ) 37°F

( C ) 37°C

( D ) All of these

Ans – ( C )


57. Cooking Utensils Are Made Of Metals Because They Are

( A ) Durable

( B ) Malleable

( C ) Good conductors of heat

( D ) Do not break on heating

Ans – ( C )


58.In solids, heat transfer takes place primarily due to

( A ) conduction

( B ) convection

( C ) radiation

( D ) none of these

Ans – ( A )


59.Which of the following is a good conductor of heat?

( A ) Iron

( B ) Steel

( C ) Aluminium

( D ) All of these

Ans – ( D )


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