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Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter - 5

Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 5


Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 5

81. cross between offspring and recessive parent is 

( A ) Monohybrid cross

( B ) Back cross

( C ) Test cross

( D ) Reciprocal cross

ANS-( C )


82. Common test to find genotype of hybrid is by : 

( A ) Studying sexual behaviour of F1 progeny

( B ) Crossing F1 individuals with recessive parents

( C ) Crossing one F2 progeny.with male parents

( D ) Crossing one F2 progeny with female parent

ANS-( B )


83. Segregation of genes occurs in : 

( A ) Embryo formation

( B ) Anaphase I

( C ) Anaphase

( D ) Metapliase

ANS-( B )


84. Offspring produced from a cross between two pure individuals differering in one set of characters is called : 

( A ) Monohybrid

( B ) Mutant

( C ) Polyploid

( D) Variant

ANS-( A )


85. Test Cross is performed to known the genotype . It is a cross between 

( A ) F1 hybrid with dominant parent

( B ) F1 hybrid with recessive parent

( C ) Two F1 hybrids

( D ) Two F2 hybrids

ANS-( B )


86. A cross between hybrid and either of any parent is called : 

( A ) test cross

( B ) reciprocal cross

( C ) Monohybrid cross

( D ) back cross

ANS-( D )


87. To see the effect of sex on inheritance , Mendal performed : 

( A ) test cross

( B ) out cross

( C ) reciprocal cross

( D ) sib cross

ANS-( C )


88. A cross between F hybrid with the dominant parent is called : 

( A ) Test cross

( B ) out cross

( C ) back cross

( D ) reverse cross

ANS-( B )


89. A dominant trait in the following is : 

( A ) Colourblindness

( B ) Night blindness

( C ) RH

( D ) Albinism

ANS-( C )


90. Independent assortment of Mendal was : 

( A ) Monohybrid cross

( B ) Dihybrid cross

( C ) Incomplete dominance

( D ) Back cross

ANS-( B )


91. IF Mendel has considered eighth trait in pea , which law would have failed ? 

( A ) Law of segregation

( B ) Law of Purity of gametes

( C ) Law of independent

( D ) Law of dominance

ANS-( C )


92. An exception to Mendelian Law of independent assortment is :

( A ) Crossing over

( B ) Incomplete dominance

( C ) Segregation

( D ) Linkage

ANS-( D )


93. Who modified Mendel’s postulates as Mendel’s laws ? 

( A ) Correns

( B ) Tschermark

( C ) Hugo de Vries

( D ) Morgan

ANS-( A )


94. In incomplete dominance in F2 generation : 

( A ) ratio of phenotype is 3 : 1

( B ) ratio of genotype is 3 : 1

( C ) both ( A ) and ( B )

( D ) phenotypic ratio corresponds to genotypic ratio

ANS-( D )

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