You are currently viewing Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 8
Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter - 8

Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 8


Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 8

41. Which of the following is a retro virus ?

( A ) Human Immuno Deficiency virus

( B ) Hepatitis virus

( C ) Micro virus influenzii

( D ) All of these

Answer-( A )


42. Which of the following disease is generated by allergens?

( A ) Skin cancer

( B ) Hay fever

( C ) Enteric fever

( D ) Goitre

Answer-( B )


43. Mast cell secretes :

( A ) Prostagland in

( B ) Glycoprotein

( C ) Histamine

( D ) Hirudin

Answer-( C )


44. AIDS is widely diagnosed by:

( A ) Widal Test


( C ) PCR

( D ) Chromatography

Answer-( B )

45. Which is formed by Acetylation of Morphine ?

( A ) Heroin

( B ) Cocaine

( C ) Nicotine

( D ) Alkaloids

Answer-( A )


46.Cocaine is obtained from:

( A ) Erythroxylon coca

( B ) Paparver sominiferum

( C ) Atropa belladona

( D ) Datura stramonium

Answer-( A )


47. Hepatitis B is transmitted through

( A ) Sneezing

( B ) Coughing

( C ) Blood transfusion

( D )female mosquito

Answer-( C )


48. Level of which hormones get elevated by the in take of nicotine ?

( A ) FSH, LH

( B ) Oxytocin, prolactin

( C ) Adrenaline, Nor-adrenaline

( D ) FSH & Estrogen

Answer-( C )


49. Which one of the following is an opiate narcotic ?

( A ) Barbiturates

( B ) Morphine

( C ) Amphetamines

( D ) LSD

Answer-( B )


50. Which causes whooping cough?

( A ) Legionella sps.

( B ) Bordetella pertusis

( C ) Haemophilus

( D ) Mycobacterium

Answer-( B )


51. Which of the following disease is generated by allergens?

( A ) Skin

( B  ) Hay fever

( C ) Enteric fever

( D ) Goitre

Answer-( B )


52. HIV destroys which cell in AIDS disease ?

( A ) B-cell

( B ) C-cell

( C ) T⁴-lymphocyte

( D ) Both (A) and (B)

Answer-( C )


53. Cancer is caused by

( A ) Bacteria

( B ) Oncogenes

( C ) Both (A) and (B)

( D ) None of these

Answer-( B )


54. Which one is viral disease ?

( A ) Flu

( B ) Polio

( C ) AIDS

( D ) All of these

Answer-( D )


55. Which in the following is viral disease?

( A ) Hepatitis

( B ) Polio

( C ) Aids

( D ) All

Answer-( D )


56. Widal Test is for the diagnosis of which disease in the following ?

( A ) Typhoid

( B ) T.B.

( C ) Cancer

( D ) Leprosy

Answer-( A )


57. Vaccine for Rabies was first produced by :

( A ) Edward Jenner

( B ) Robert Kotch

( C ) Louis Pasteur

( D ) S.L.Miller

Answer-( C )


58. Kotch postulate are not applicable to :

( A ) Diptheria

( B ) Leprosy

( C ) T.B.

( D ) Cholera

Answer-( B )


59. Hey fever is caused by :

( A ) virus

( B ) loss of vitamin

( C ) alergy

( D ) none

Answer-( C )


60. Cell mediated immunity is due to :

( A ) B-lymphocytes

( B ) T-lymphocytes

( C ) Both

( D ) Plasma cell

Answer-( B )


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