Class 12 Biology MCQs Chapter – 1
21. What is the number of chromosomes present in human gametes
( A ) 21
( B ) 23
( C ) 44
( D ) 46
Answer-( B )
22. Oviparous are :
( A ) Hen
( B ) Snake
( C ) Crocodile
( D ) All of these
Answer-( D )
23. Diploid is :
( A ) Ovum
( B ) Pollen
( C ) Both A and B
( D ) Zygotes
Answer-( D )
24. Aril is edible in which of the following fruits ?
( A ) Myristica
( B ) Litchi
( C ) Annona
( D ) All of these
Answer-( B )
25. Strobilanthus Kunthiana ( Neelak uranji ) flowers once in 12 years . The last time this plant flowered during september – october 2006. It is found in hilly areas in :
( A ) Kerala and Kamataka
( B ) Orissa
( C ) Andhra Pradesh
( D ) Maharashtra
Answer-( A )
26. Gerontology means study of :
( A ) birds
( B ) bones
( C ) ageing
( D ) earth
Answer-( C )
27. Endosperm provides food to the growing :
( A ) seeds
( B ) fruit
( C ) endosperm
( D ) embryo
Answer-( D )
28. Which one in the following is called ” Terror of Bengal ” ?
( A ) Eichhornia
( B ) Penicillium
( C ) Bambusa
( D ) others
Answer-( A )
29. The plants which flower and fruit only once in their life are
( A ) Monocarpic
( B ) Polycarpic
( C ) Vegetative plants
( D ) reproductive plants
Answer-( A )
30. Polyembryony commonly occurs in
( A ) banana
( B ) tomato
( C ) potato
( D ) Citrus
Answer-( D )
31. Lever mechanism of pollination is found in :
( A ) Antirrhinum
( B ) Ficus
( C ) Wheat
( D ) Salvia
Answer-( D )
32. Pollination induces the abscission of all floral organs except one . That organ is :
( A ) anther
( B ) pistil
( C ) sepals
( D ) receptacles
Answer-( B )
33. Process of fusion of haploid cells is :
( A ) Cell cycle
( B ) Meiosis
( C ) Mitosis
( D ) Syngamy
Answer-( D )
34. Which one undergoes longitudinal binary fission ?
( A ) Euglena
( B ) Plasmodium
( C ) Planaria
( D ) Paramoecium
Answer-( A )
35. What would be chromosome number of cells in aleurone layer if megaspore mother cell has ten chromosomes ?
( A ) 10
( B ) 15
( C ) 20
( D ) 25
Answer-( B )
36. What would be the number of chromosomes in the cells of the aleurone layer in a plant species with 8 chromosomes in its synergids ?
( A ) 16
( B ) 24
( C ) 32
( D ) 8
Answer-( B )
37. When offspring in formed by single parent , then it is called :
( A ) Sexual reproduction
( B ) Asexual reproduction
( C ) Both ( A ) & ( B )
( D ) Internal fertilization
Answer-( B )
38. Which of following plants is monoecious ?
( A ) Papaya
( B ) Date palm
( C ) Coconut
( D ) Two of above
Answer-( C )
39. Which are hermaphrodite ?
( A ) Earthworm , Hydra and Leech
( B ) Cockroach , Ascaris and Hydra
( C ) Earthworm , Ascaris and Leech
( D ) Ascaris , Cockroach and Hydra
Answer-( A )
40. Formation of the whole body of an organism from a small fragment is called :
( A ) morphallaxis
( B ) epimorphosis
( C ) morphogenesis
( D ) metabolism
Answer-( A )